A cytokine storm washed away 58-year-old teacher Valya Neykova from Plovdiv


Viliana Neykova died on April 3.

For 21 days, the doctors fought for the life of the kindergarten teacher in the village of Skutare.

Beloved children’s teacher Viliana Neykova, for whom doctors fought for 21 days in Plovdiv, died today. Family members were told that the death was the result of a cytokine storm. It is caused by too strong a response from the body that produces a large amount of antibodies.

Neykova’s colleagues from the Sinchets kindergarten in Skutare village are overwhelmed by the news. “A wonderful man and educator is gone,” they say. And they can’t believe it. 24plovdiv.bg wrote about her serious condition on March 17, without mentioning the teacher’s name..

According to his colleagues, Valya drastically deteriorated on the 10th day after the first needle was administered to the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“On February 17, we both went to immunize ourselves completely voluntarily. The next day he had a temperature above 38 degrees, he had all the symptoms of the coronavirus, but his body did not react, “said his colleague Asya Kostadinova. It wasn’t until February 28, 10 days after the first needle, that Neykova said she was not feeling well. The next day, he already had the symptoms of the coronavirus: a sore throat and a runny nose. The temperature rose to 38.8 degrees. But you stayed home for days.

On March 10, she was admitted to the intensive care unit of one of the university hospitals in Plovdiv. He was immediately put on mechanical respiration. Doctors even then noticed that 70% of his lungs were missing. Doctors refrained from making predictions until the end.

“We really hoped and believed that Valya would recover, especially when she was taken out of the intensive care unit on March 30 and transferred to the covid room. We hoped that, although difficult, she would start to improve,” Kostadinova said through tears. .

According to her, Neykova was neither overweight nor concomitant. “His hospital stay is counted on all fingers during all the years of his work experience,” added his colleague Kostadinova.

Neykova has a 20-year-old son, a student in Germany.
