A Case of Severe Allergic Reaction to a Vaccinated Medical Worker in Alaska – Diseases


In Alaska, a case of severe allergic reaction of a medical worker who was vaccinated against COVID-19, reported world agencies, The woman, whose identity was not disclosed, was hospitalized. Not known to have allergies.

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The US company Pfizer, whose vaccine was approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration on Friday, something that allowed mass vaccination in the country to begin on Monday, said it was working with local authorities in Alaska to clarify the case.

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The Food and Drug Administration said it was working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Pfizer “to better understand what happened,” BTA reported.

The United Kingdom, the first in the world, approved on December 2 the vaccine developed by the American company and the German BioNTech. A week later, after two cases of poor response to the first injection, the British health authorities advised against administering the vaccine to people who have had “severe allergic reactions” in the past, recalls AFP.

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