A 12-year-old boy miraculously survived a fall from the 18th floor


She was baptized in the monastery “Santa Mina”

Schoolgirl misses a broken thigh, arm and jaw

An invisible miracle happened to a 12-year-old girl from the capital! The schoolgirl survived a fall from the 18th floor from the balcony of the family apartment in Sofia. The girl passed away with a broken thigh, arm and jaw and has now made a full recovery, writes Bulgaria Today.

The unique story was told to Bulgaria Today by Father Boris, Abbot of the Saint Mina Monastery in the Benkovski district of Sofia. To this day, the girl’s parents visit the holy cloister to give thanks for God’s miraculous healing and God’s mercy for their daughter. The happy mother and father write their incredible story in the book of miracles in the temple of God.

“On July 31st, our daughter fell from the balcony on the 18th floor. Don’t let anyone think it is a mistake. It really is the 18th floor, approximately 55 meters! She fell on dirt and low grass. Surely God put his hand for He grabbed her because she was conscious. Neighbors came to her aid. She was suitable and said the three names and where she lived. She remained conscious in the ambulance. She was in “Pirogov” for 21 days, the first five days between her life and death “They describe the critical situation of the girl’s parents.

And they continue: “But God did not leave her entirely. He always sent her the right people. She found her a man who takes care of serious injuries. The ambulance arrived in 3-4 minutes. She met unique doctors who fought for her. . He underwent three operations that were uneventful. And do you know the injuries of this child, who fell from 55 meters? Fractured thigh, broken arm and broken jaw. All internal organs were miraculously healed and by God’s will “.

The grateful parents recorded their miracle on November 8 this year, three days before the temple festival in honor of Santa Mina. “Today my daughter is running and smiling, thank God! All this time the priests have been praying for her and for her healing,” added Mom and Dad.

On the same day, the surviving girl was baptized in the monastery. Although she is already 12 years old, the schoolgirl has not been baptized until now. The moment is extremely emotional, and the grateful mother and father have a hard time holding back tears of emotion.

“When dad came to say thank you, he said, ‘Do you believe in miracles? How can I not believe, being in front of my eyes every day?’ I replied. People still couldn’t understand what had happened. ominous to think about what happened. that it happens to you that such alms from God happen. Thank God! “added Father Boris.

Although the years are difficult and turbulent for many, in them the happiness of a young family is born. A woman comes to the monastery of Santa Mina to pray for a child. It is on November 11, 2018, when we honor the memory of the saint.

My husband and I entered into a civil and ecclesiastical marriage on October 1, 2016, and since then we have dreamed of having a child, but this happiness could not happen to us for several years. The whole family and we prayed in front of the miraculous icon, hoping that a baby would be born soon, and exactly a few months later, in February 2019, we were able to say out loud that we had the good news that we were expecting our first child. Our miracle came to light on November 11, 2019. We thank God and Santa Mina ”, describes her joyful story the young mother, who gives life to her son exactly one year after he arrives to pray in front of the icon of Santa Mina .

The wonders of motherhood don’t stop there. The holy monastery recently passed over an old woman to thank God, Santa Mina and the clergy, because her dream of having a grandchild has come true.

“Thank you and I bless you for the miracle that happened after the prayers to God and Santa Mina. Thank you for the joy of rejoicing in my wonderful grandson. To grow up healthy, strong and intelligent, to live with the love of his parents,” he says the cheerful grandmother. , and another woman expresses respect and gratitude for the fact that her mother was healed of a serious illness and there is no trace of her.

“Let people turn more to the spiritual side of the holidays. Seek God and his mercy, and everything else will be given to you. Do not turn the party into an indulgence of the flesh, expressed in eating and drinking, but turn the mind to God and prayerfully seek His help, especially in this turbulent and difficult time, the joy of the party cannot be in any way eclipsed by the fact that one cannot go on vacation or gather large companies. it feels more precisely when a person is in unity with his closest people, he has the opportunity to communicate with them and pray with them. The other is human vanity, “Father Boris told Bulgaria Today.

The cleric insists that it is necessary to follow the recommendations of health authorities and people to be careful. “Because we cannot expect God to help us if we do nothing for ourselves and abuse God’s mercy. God helps if we also strive to help ourselves, our families and all people,” added the abbot of the monastery . Santa Mina “.

The services in the holy cloister did not cease and the prayers were even louder. Services include additional requests to get rid of coronavirus infection around the world. “And all those who are alone at home can pray at any time, if possible and with good will. Whether at home or in the temple, it is important to be in communion with God,” concluded the servant of God.
