Starting tomorrow, the country’s parks are open, but with many restrictions.


Health Minister Kiril Ananiyev has released a new official order ending the ban on park visits. It will take effect tomorrow, April 27.

However, there are some restrictions in the order to be observed. Visits to the parks are allowed for the following people:

– children up to 12 years old, compulsory with their parents, but no more than two adults, from 09:30 to 18:30 every day

– dog owners, but not more than one from 09:30 to 18:30 every day

The distance of 2.5 meters must be observed, the use of masks is mandatory, the use of alcohol is absolutely prohibited. Seats and grass should be avoided.

The ban on visits to indoor and outdoor public and outdoor facilities and parks remains in effect.

Based on the order of the Minister of Health, the mayors of the municipalities must create the necessary organization for the implementation of the measures, according to the details of the respective parks and gardens of the city in the territory of the municipalities.

You can also view the order here.
