The footballer with winning goals against Roma, Levski and CSK died …


The scorer for the Danube since the memory match with Rome in 1975 – Todor Ivanov, has died.

Currently, it is unclear what caused the death of a former footballer who was among the Danube fans’ big favorites.

Todor Ivanov leaves this world at the age of 70.

Some time ago, he gave an interview on the Danube club site, in which he spoke not only of the feat against the Grand Prix of Rome, but also of his entry into history with the fact that he was the only Russian to score against Levski, CSKA and Roma.

Ivanov has a curious history. Before becoming a hero of the Danube against the Roma, he was arrested.

We publish his interview on the Danube site:

The scorer of the match against Roma, that famous is Todor Ivanov Todorov of Russia. Due to the coincidence of a first and last name with another player of the famous Danube team, the author of the hit in the UEFA Cup tournament of October 1, 1975 appears in historical records under the name of his father.
The interview began with the words:

“I am the only Russian to score against Levski, CSKA and Roma, and they are victorious! But before playing for the Danube, I was a Ludogorets soccer player, with my goal we won Levski. One month after the rematch with the Romans, I also marked the “soldiers” with Dimitar Penev in the 1: 0 hit squad in Rousse (reference: Danube Elite Statistical Directory; N. Nanev). The other curious thing is that only I of all in the The team was Ruse’s. I played on the right wing and became the 100m fastest in Group A. Today we play more with physics as we gain soccer skills. “

Before recounting more interesting facts from his career, especially the match against Rome, Todor Ivanov received a gift on behalf of the Danube activist: a double blue-orange scarf resulting in a duel 41 years ago.

– Tell us when and how the goal came about.
– The goal fell in the middle of the second half when Roma pressed. Ivan Vazharov with a single pass passed all the protection of the guests. And after turning right, I sent the ball with my head to the upper left corner. It turned out to be a beautiful and unusual target. We also had the opportunity for a second, but Nikola Hristov only twice against the goalkeeper and I missed.

What was the situation at the stadium?
There were more than 30,000 spectators. People were almost on the track. The stands were filled 3-4 hours before the match, either friendly or official, and with each opponent. At the time, however, Rousse had 200,000 inhabitants. Now there is apathy to go to games. And the audience is a very important factor: a person who screaming makes you feel different. Ruse is a soccer city. Whereas, more than 40 years ago, during my stay in Razgrad, this interest was lacking.

And what do you remember about visiting Rome?
I would compare the atmosphere of the Olympic stadium to a boiling pot. Unfortunately, three or four players in our lineup did not play because they were detained at the border due to dollars in their luggage.

Was there any arbitration for Rome at these meetings?

How long did you play for the Danube team?
Two seasons The matches with Rome were in the first.

What were the wages at the time?
The Danube players took an average of 130 leva each, while one locksmith received 170-180 leva.

What happened after you left?
I moved to Svishtov to study economist-accountant. There I met Valentin Mihov, who promised to seek a record of the Danube rematch with Rome. At the end of my career I played against the young man then Hristo Stoichkov.
