Maritza’s financial benefactor is running for BFU president



The first official candidate for the presidency of the Bulgarian Football Union is already clear. The heir of the resigned Borislav Mihaylov will be elected to the BFS Congress, which only a few days ago was postponed indefinitely due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The first to announce that he will run for the position is third division financial benefactor Maritsa (Plovdiv) Hristo Hristov. The businessman himself resigned a while ago from the position of president of the yellow-blue division. due to the fact that he no longer has the strength to support the club himself.

“I confirm my desire to run for BFS president. It is very important that everyone and the current leadership be legitimate. Another important thing is to know whether or not there were violations at BFS. When will this review end? The main reason is that there is a need of change in Bulgarian football. Absolutely everyone knows it, but no one has the courage to do it. In recent years, Bulgarian football is at a dead end. There is no development. My great respect to the golden generation of the USA. 94, but yes and a good soccer player and a good coach are two different things, “Hristo Hristov told Nova TV.
