Gloomy forecast: 1/3 of tennis players cannot play again


Federer's unifying idea with broad support and expected opponent

Legendary tennis player Billy Jean King, one of the most respected women in the sport, has called for a fundraiser for the player threatened with bankruptcy in the coronavirus epidemic.

She shared the grim prediction that a third of tennis players cannot return to play unless they receive financial assistance in times without tournaments.

“The most affected players need a lot of help.”

A cooperation must be established between ATP, WTA and ITF to establish a fund. If that doesn’t happen, I think a third of active tennis players will never compete again.

For many years, there has been an inequality in tennis that we have been struggling with. The crisis is exacerbating it and not only donating money but also changing the structure “, The American is adamant.

The 12-time Slam champion supported the opinion of Roger Federer, who said that the moment of the crisis was perfect for the union of men’s (ATP) and women’s (WTA) tennis, which has been talked about for many years.

“This is the right time to make structural changes in our sport. We need integration and cooperation.”

We don’t have that much money in soccer and we don’t need divisions. I think the crisis shows everyone that changes are needed in tennis. They must be durable and common, not just for specific problems, ” says Billy Jean King.
