Experts are examining whether nicotine has a protective effect against COVID-19


French scientists to launch prevention experiments using nicotine patches

According to French scientists, nicotine could have a protective effect against coronavirus infection, who will launch prevention experiments using nicotine patches at the Pieter Salpetriere Hospital in Paris, BTA quoted France as saying.

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The hypothesis is based on small smokers among hospitalized patients with COVID-19. The authors of several studies around the world and a new French study with 350 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and another 150 people with milder illnesses who consulted doctors reached these conclusions.

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“Only 5% of patients are smokers – that is, smokers affected by COVID-19 are 80 percent less than the general population of the same sex and age,” said study leader Zahir Amura.

“It is believed that by fixing the cellular receptor used by the coronavirus, its nicotine prevents it from entering the cells and spreading to the body,” said Jean-Pierre Chanzhoy, from the Pasteur Institute and the College de France.

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