Those vaccinated against COVID-19 transferred 500,000


Since the beginning of the pandemic, 502,078 doses of vaccine have been administered, of which 3,993 in the last 24 hours. 100,564 received two doses. This is shown in the Unified Information Portal data at 00:00 on April 4.

The new cases of infection in the last 24 hours were 1919, with 10,648 tests carried out in the last 24 hours. Positive tests are 18%. The day before they were 19%.

The total number of confirmed cases is 352,259. Active cases are 69,177, of which 10,521 are hospitalized, 758 of them in the intensive care unit.

269,575 have been cured since the start of the pandemic, of which 3,484 in the last 24 hours.

The death toll from COVID-19 in the last 24 hours is 69. Thus, the total number of victims in Bulgaria since the beginning of the pandemic reached 13,507.

As of April 4 (Sunday) the vaccination “green corridor” of the Military Medical Academy will be open every day.

Anyone interested, without hours registered in the National Health Information System, can be vaccinated at the vaccination center of the Military Medical Academy from 08:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday and from 09:00 to 17:00 on weekends.

For citizens with hours reserved through the National Health Information System, the vaccines provided by RHI at this stage are only in Astra Zeneca, the announcement states.
