AstraZeneca vaccine – questions are more than answers – ᐉ News – World


How safe is this vaccine, what about the second dose, what is the experience of different countries? These are the most important facts.

Germany has introduced restrictions on the AstraZeneca vaccine: it will only be given to people over 60 years of age. Younger people will also have the opportunity to get vaccinated with Vaxzevria, the new brand name for the AstraZeneca product, but the person setting the dose will need to inform them in detail about possible side effects. Vaccination will only be allowed after an assessment of individual risks.

What about those who have already received the first dose?

For those who have already received the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, the Standing Commission on Immunization of the Robert Koch Institute currently recommends a second dose of one of the mRNA vaccines 12 weeks after the first injection.

Experts note that this is a temporary guide until additional information is gathered.

How effective is the AstraZeneca vaccine after the first dose?

Numerous studies have shown that the Vaxzevria vaccine is very effective even after the first dose. According to a Scottish study involving 1.14 million immunized people, the risk of severe Kovid-19 and the need for hospital care four weeks after the first dose of the drug is reduced by 94 percent. This means that the level of protection is even higher than BioNTech / Pfizer. However, the effect after the second dose has not yet been studied.

What side effects have occurred and how many?

According to the Paul Ehrlich Institute, as of March 29, 31 cases of rare cerebral venous sinus thrombosis had been recorded in Germany after vaccination with Vaxzevria. Nineteen of those affected were platelet deficient and nine died. 29 of those affected are women between the ages of 20 and 63. The men were 36 and 57 years old.

Meanwhile, 2.7 million people in Germany have received the AstraZeneca vaccine. So this is a case of about 87,000 vaccinated. The complication is very rare, but mainly affects those who are not at increased risk of severe disease with Kovid-19 – younger.

The vaccine was first recommended for youth only, now only for adults. Why?

The decisions have their scientific justification. More than 20,000 people participated in the initial trials of the vaccine, but very few were adults. That is why the German health authorities initially recommended it only for people under the age of 65. In the meantime, enough data has been collected to show that the AstraZeneca vaccine is effective in others. No cases of thrombosis have been reported in the older age group, therefore vaccination with Vaxzevria will continue.

Which countries have changed vaccination guidelines?

Vaxzevria will also be given to people over 55 in France and Canada, over 65 in Sweden and Finland, and over 70 in Iceland. Norway and Denmark have stopped using the drug completely.

The European Medicines Agency and the World Health Organization continue to recommend that the vaccine be given to all adults. At the moment, they see no reason to change their assessment. Kate O’Brien, director of the WHO immunization division, said: “We are very aware of our assessment of benefits and risks: this is a safe vaccine.” The possible link between the vaccine and thrombosis has continued to be investigated.

Are there similar cases with other vaccines?

According to the latest report from the Paul Ehrlich Institute, there have been reports of two cases of venous sinus thrombosis following vaccination with BioNTech / Pfizer in two women, aged 47 and 86, respectively. Neither case resulted in death. However, the Paul Ehrlich Institute concludes that the BioNTech / Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are more likely to cause serious side effects than AstraZeneca.

Is vaccination against AstraZeneca continuing in the UK?

In the UK, 30 million people received their first vaccine, but it is not known how many of them were immunized with AstraZeneca and how old they were. So far, according to official data, there have been 30 cases of venous sinus thrombosis in the country, seven people have died. The British Medicines Agency came out this time with the following position: “The risk of contracting this special type of thrombosis is very small.”
