Dr. Branzalov: Everything will close again if another peak is reached – Topics in development


TO The high morbidity currently in the country is due to the so-called British version of COVID-19, which is more contagious. This should not surprise anyone. We have more infected, but in most people the disease has milder symptoms. This was stated by the vice president of the BMA board of directors, Dr. Nikolay Branzalov, for “Offensive with Lubo Ognyanov” in NOVA NEWS.

Bulgaria will receive more than 3,200,000 doses of RNA vaccines

“If another peak is reached, the measures must be very strict, absolutely everything must be closed for 10 days,” he was categorical.

According to him, with a morbidity of more than 1,000 per 100,000 people, such measures will be recommended by the BMA.

According to him, there are more and more young people among the sick, but the panic is not so great, because we have been living with the coronavirus for 13-14 months.

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“We expected the high incidence to stabilize. But these are just the registered cases, and there are many others,” said Dr. Branzalov.

He stressed that at this stage the health system is dealing with the coronavirus.

“Half a million Bulgarians are vaccinated and out of every 100,000 of the vaccines are administered by general practitioners. Various unpleasant circumstances led to the rejection of the AstraZeneca vaccine. There was a very large influx and many people wanted to be vaccinated. After the vaccination they stopped and” So most people want to get vaccinated with the RNA vaccine and leave the second AstraZeneca needle behind. Now more than half want the RNA vaccine, “Branzalov said.

He added that although the system is currently working, people must be careful.

“The system works hard, but it is not because it is going to burn. The issuance of certificates is cleared, they are not paid. The second needle is inserted, the vaccine is automatically inserted into the system and the patient receives the certificate from the hospital.” “He said. – the chairman of the BMA board of directors.

See more in the video above.

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