Borissov with an important decision due to the COVID crisis – ᐉ news – Bulgaria


Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and members of the Council of Ministers held an extraordinary government meeting, where they approved an additional BGN 96 million from the Health Ministry budget. Of the total amount, 46 million BGN is earmarked for the purchase of Remdesivir, so that the treatment of patients with coronavirus infection in hospitals in September can even be provided with this drug. The remaining BGN 50 million is a transfer to the budget of the National Health Insurance Fund, the government press service announced.

The funds provide an additional remuneration of BGN 1,000 for the month of April for those who work on the front line in the fight against COVID-19, directly involved in the treatment of patients with coronavirus infection, as well as for the payment of vaccines against COVID-19. Prime Minister Borissov pointed out that there are another 10 million levs, which are a carry-over from previous periods and will also be aimed at supporting those working on the front line.

Prime Minister Borissov noted that with today’s decree, the government provided the funds earlier to ensure that the funds were secured and that the state had done its job.

“We are making this decision so that people can be sure that there are enough medicines and medical personnel are provided,” he said. Borissov insisted that although the elections are on the brink, the government will not allow financial stress on health care. The Prime Minister recalled that for months the government has been allocating huge funds in this line. The Prime Minister noted that, along with the funds allocated today, since the beginning of the pandemic, almost 90 million BGN have been provided for almost 100,000 doses of Remdesivir. And the funds provided for doctors and non-medical personnel in the first line amount to 370 million BGN.

During the government session, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov focused on the arrangements for the European Council videoconference, which ended last night. The Prime Minister expressed confidence that as a result of the discussions, the European Commission will make the proportional distribution of vaccines in the EU a fact, as a result of which Bulgaria is expected to receive three times as many vaccines against COVID-19. in April.

Sofia, Bulgaria
