Borissov to the founder of Biontech: Vaccines should be accessible to everyone. Invite him to Bulgaria


Boyko Borisov PHOTO: Council of Ministers

“The turning point in the battle against COVID-19 was the creation of vaccines. With your help, we can cope with the pandemic and regain the freedom that the virus took from us. Thank you for the hope and opportunity to have it again. previous way of life “.

This was stated by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov in a telephone conversation with Professor Ugur Shahin, founder of the German company Biontech, which together with the American company Pfizer developed one of the first vaccines against the coronavirus in the world, said the press service of the government. .

The Bulgarian Prime Minister pointed out that the main challenge today is to make vaccines accessible to all citizens not only in the European Union but also around the world. “Because no one would be safe from the coronavirus until we are all protected,” Prime Minister Borissov said in a telephone conversation. The Prime Minister gave a great welcome to the German scientist for the discovery of extremely high technology, which is the vaccine created by Biontech, based on RNA information. Borissov emphasized that more and more Bulgarian citizens are willing to get vaccinated because they are convinced of the benefits of immunization, which saves lives and livelihoods.

During the conversation, Prime Minister Borissov pointed out to Professor Shahin that Bulgaria has a long tradition in the production of medicines and vaccines.

The Prime Minister invited the German scientist and his team to visit Bulgaria to get acquainted with the activities of BulBio – NCIPD EOOD. The company, which has more than 130 years of history and whose main is the Ministry of Health, has a production range of 500 types of products. Prime Minister Borissov highlighted BulBio’s leadership in the production of the BCG vaccine, which it supplies to countries around the world.

“I am very impressed with the discovery he made with the creation of the RNA vaccine. Bulgaria is ready to provide him with extensive support and cooperation for the research and development that he is carrying out,” Prime Minister Borissov told Prof. Shahin . The Prime Minister insisted that our country’s experience in the production of medicines, vaccines and pharmaceutical plants in Bulgaria is an excellent basis for creating innovations in medicine, even for Prof. Shahin’s team.
