Hospitals are full again like Christmas peak


There are no concerns about the shortage of beds, assured the Minister of Health.

Sofia forced all medical institutions to allocate 20% of their capacity to COVID

6,948 people are being treated for coronavirus in the hospital after the country’s epidemic continued to grow for the seventh consecutive week. This was clear from Sunday’s data from the national information system for COVID-19. There are 522 patients who need intensive treatment.

In reality, hospital employment is already at pre-Christmas levels, when it was the highest peak of infection in Bulgaria. At that time, more than 7,200 people were hospitalized, just 300 more than they are now.

There are no concerns about a shortage of hospital beds for people with coronavirus, Health Minister Kostadin Angelov said on Sunday.

“Where we have increased the pressure, we increase the beds. More than 50% are patients with COVID-19 in the intensive care units of the country, and at the same time this percentage decreases as we open the beds, but the patients in absolute terms increase. We are already extremely well prepared with all the necessary medicines, consumables, personal protective equipment, so we have no concerns in that regard, “he said.

All hospitals in Sofia will allocate 20% of their capacity to treating people with coronavirus, ordered the head of the Sofia Health Inspection, Boyko Penchev. There are still places in the hospitals in Sofia, said the mayor of the capital, Yordanka Fandakova.

The national system announced new cases of coronavirus patients in 2019 on Sunday.

There are a total of 18,067 new people infected during the week of March 6-13, representing an increase of more than 37% on a weekly basis, analyst Tihomir Bezlov commented on Facebook. The proportion of positive samples from the total tests has already passed 18 percent, compared with 16% the previous week.

Bezlov’s analysis also showed a 50.5% increase in coronavirus deaths on a weekly basis. 641 people have died from COVID-19 in the past seven days.

Unfortunately, a more difficult period is coming than in November-December last year, predicts Bezlov.

Health Minister Angelov demanded that all cases of coronavirus in young patients and children be reported to him. As reported by “24 hours”, the British strain has resulted in very young patients in hospitals.
