$ 1 billion in benefits for Megan and Harry


TV host stormed out of studio for interview

“Before we begin, I just want to make it clear to everyone that although we are neighbors, we do not have an agreement. You don’t know what I’m going to ask you, there are no forbidden topics and they don’t pay you for this interview. “This was stated by the famous presenter Oprah Winfrey at the beginning of her shocking conversation with Megan and Harry, which became a topic №1 on the world.

Megan replied, “It’s all true.” He and Prince Harry received no money for the scandalous interview, but it is believed to be a huge advertisement for the billion dollar brand they are trying to build. The interview has already been sold in at least 17 countries.

CBS paid between $ 7 million and $ 9 million to Oprah Winfrey’s production company for the call. According to advertising experts, television was seeking around $ 325,000 for 30 seconds of trading time during the show, roughly double the normal price of advertising time through this window of the day.

Oprah’s interview with Prince Harry and Megan Markle drew 17.1 million American viewers. It has become one of the biggest television events since the Super Bowl in a year. In the two-hour conversation, the prince and his wife accused the British royal family of racism and lack of media protection.

Buckingham announced

that “the whole

the family is sad

how difficult the last few years have been for Harry and Megan. “” The issues raised, such as racism, are very concerning, are taken very seriously and will be discussed in the royal family. “Harry, Megan and Archie always they will be beloved members of the family, “Buckingham said in a statement.

Harry and Megan’s goal was to show the couple’s lives a year after they left the royal family, writes Yahoo Finance. His withdrawal from Windsor Palace also had a significant impact on his finances.

Prince Harry inherited around $ 10 million from the estate of his late mother, Princess Diana, and Markle contributed around $ 2 million (after taxes) from her various acting roles.

The couple bought their property for $ 14.7 million in Montesito in mid-June, paying $ 5 million for it and taking advantage of a $ 10 million mortgage, according to Forbes magazine. Oprah Winfrey is her close neighbor.

Additionally, Harry and Megan donated $ 3 million to Sovereign Grant UK to pay for the renovations of their residence at Frogmore after their departure.

The remaining 95% of the couple’s income came from the vast lands belonging to Prince Charles, known as the Duchy of Cornwall, valued at around $ 1.2 billion.

The New York Times reported that Princes Harry and William received $ 6.4 million each from Prince Charles and the duchy, although the exact amount is unclear. However, Harry and Megan no longer have access to any of these tools, according to numerous reports.

Due to their desire for financial independence, Prince Harry and Megan set out to find alternative ways to earn money.

They recently signed a 3-year podcast contract with Spotify, valued at between $ 15 million and $ 18 million. Previously, the couple signed a deal with Netflix, valued at $ 100 million.

Prince Harry has also teamed up with Oprah on Apple TV + on a mental health series. The project, which was originally scheduled to launch in 2020, has been postponed. Along with the couple’s various public appearances, rumored to net them a million dollars, it’s clear that Harry and Megan are expanding their media empire.

Megan Markle and Prince Harry’s interview with Oprah caused a scandal on one of the largest televisions on the Island. Morning host Pierce Morgan left the ITV studio after an argument with fellow host Alex Beresford. It was this television that aired Megan and Harry’s interview on March 8 in the UK. Then Morgan called on Markle’s words



against the queen

and in a long monologue he criticizes Harry’s wife.

Beresford opposed him, saying that the reason for Morgan’s “explosion” was his failed attempt to start a relationship with Megan in the past. “I understand you don’t like Markle, she has clearly said it several times on this channel. I understand you have a personal relationship with Megan or you tried and she cut you off. This is her right. Did she say anything bad about you after that? It is not, and you keep speaking out against it, ”said the 40-year-old presenter.

Morgan replied, “I’m done. I’ll see you later” – and walked out of his own study. The host admitted that he dated the actress years ago. In his Daily Mail column, he calls it “amazing.”
