Prof. Asen Baltov: Suddenly, we all became very brave! Why? – Diseases


Suddenly, everyone became very brave. How has the pandemic changed? Could it be lighter, could we find a cure? This was asked by the director of UMBALSM “Pirogov” Prof. Dr. Asen Baltov. He called on people to be responsible.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 20823

The increase in COVID-19 cases in Bulgaria in recent weeks is due both to the relaxation of measures and the British modification of the coronavirus, Professor Baltov told BalTV.

He reported that if local measures do not work, restrictions will be applied at the central level.

He expressed concern that the British version was spreading faster and more severely among younger people. Professor Baltov said that a 40-day-old baby with a coronavirus infection was admitted to Pirogov. The treatment worked and the baby is now home. 319 are housed with coronavirus infection at Pirogov.

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The director of Pirogov warned that people should isolate themselves to protect others. According to him, one should not rely only on a rapid antigen test from the pharmacy, but use those from authorized laboratories to evaluate the result more correctly. Then treatment should be prescribed as soon as possible. He said that in many cases young patients come to Pirogov in an already serious condition.

Regarding vaccination, Professor Asen Baltov explained that the “green corridors” at this stage will not be launched as at the beginning. Work will be done on the electronic system for the registration of vaccination hours.

Currently, vaccines have priority for members of the sectional electoral commissions (PEC). After March 11, the three phases will begin: doctors, teachers, professors, health and social structures.

“If one is late, it is not fatal, we leave a window of time. The records for vaccination are not yet thickly done,” commented Professor Baltov.

He clarified that in case of concomitant diseases, patients should consult with their doctor what type of vaccine to choose. Remember that at the moment there is no other option.

“If the doctor says it has to be an RNA vaccine, the patient signs up and gets it as soon as it’s available,” Baltov explained.

The specialist warned that Bulgarians coming from Zanzibar will likely be quarantined.

“I have been to Zanzibar. Movement through Africa is absolutely possible there. 90% of the products in Zanzibar are from South Africa,” Prof Baltov said.

Hear in the video what the authorities intend to do due to the increasing number of patients:

All on the subject:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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