Time, Place and Type of COVID-19 Vaccine Can Be Saved in Electronic Record – Bulgaria


The time, place, and type of COVID-19 vaccination can be kept in an electronic record.

© Julia Lazarova

Starting at 5:00 p.m. on March 4, those who wish to be vaccinated against COVID-19 will be able to make an appointment in the electronic registry, choose the type of vaccine desired and the point where it will be placed. The opportunity was presented by the executive director of the state company “Information Services” Ivaylo Filipov and the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov.

Ivaylo Filipov explained that the procedure consists of four steps: filling in the personal data, since the system is provided to send an indication of an incorrect PIN; indication of the email address or mobile number where the information about the application is received; selection of the preferred vaccine (by type, not by manufacturer); choice of settlement, vaccination point (there are a total of 352 in the country) and schedule. At the end of the process, the user can add the time saved to their calendar, as well as download, complete and print the so-called informed consent. This is a document that is required before the vaccine is administered and is intended to certify that a person has asked questions about the vaccine.

According to Ivaylo Filipov, an appointment can be canceled. It also states that the electronic record is organized in such a way that each new booked time cancels the previous one if it is entered by the same person.

The earliest date an appointment can be scheduled is March 11, and the possible time limit for reserving an appointment is two weeks in advance. The electronic registry does not cover the offices of general practitioners.

“General practitioners are excluded because their specificities are different in different places: some are one in the settlements, others are in group practices. There are those who are responsible only for adults, others who are responsible only for children, there are those who are responsible both for children as well as for adults ”, said the Minister of Health and announced that in the next deliveries of vaccines against COVID-19 larger quantities will be reserved for general practitioners so that there is no shortage for their patients.

According to the Health Minister, the goal is to organize and reduce queues in front of the so-called green corridors, when there is access to free vaccination.

“The system is common to all citizens, there is no option to manage the phases – citizens who have some priority,” said the executive director of “Information Services”.

“The idea is to be able to predict the required quantities of vaccines of each type in each vaccination center,” said Health Minister Prof. Kostadin Angelov. It also ensures that the possibilities of reserving hours will be in accordance with the quantities delivered.

“If 50,000 doses of vaccine arrive, there will be 50,000 options in the system for the dates after those doses of vaccine arrive. However, if we have a problem, we have the opportunity to inform people by phone without them going to the center. vaccination “. . Wait and when it’s their turn, tell them: sorry, we don’t have a vaccine dose, “Prof. Kostadin Angelov said. He reiterated that if a vaccine is chosen, the decision must be made by a doctor.
