Prof. Ivo Petrov: We are in the third wave, but the disease is no longer so fierce


Cardiologist Prof. Ivo Petrov PHOTO: Archive

“We are currently in the third wave, which was expected. The good news is that the severity of the disease is not as severe as it was in early November. The severe cases are not so much in the context of the figures. I think the health system will resist. ”Cardiologist Prof. Ivo Petrov told Nova TV.

However, according to him, we are heading towards a demographic catastrophe.

“We all hold the key to solving this demographic crisis. The Bulgarian people must realize the power, the opportunities and the messages of our ancestors,” he said. According to him, the symbolism of March 3 is that the holiday is the beginning of a nation coming together despite the turmoil.

“Such are the times here, full of turbulence. We are going through a difficult physical and mental period. The mission of the doctors of before and the heroes of that time is the same. The front-line companions continue to fight against such a great and powerful enemy. That is why I say that an analogy can be made, “said the cardiologist.

He believes that now we will see how we can unite when there is a great threat against us.

“In the fight against this threat, I think we are united. Bulgaria is doing quite well at the moment on the map with this enemy,” said the specialist.
