The Minister of Health revealed why he enters politics and how we overcome the pandemic – Medicines


Prime Minister Borissov invited me to become Minister of Health, I hope because I have shown that I can help and manage the health sector. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, on the BTV program “This Morning”.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 20396

His words are due to the fact that he was nominated for the leader of two GERB lists in the next elections. For me, this will be another opportunity to continue meeting with people, to talk about vaccines and vaccines. In the war with COVID-19, we have to fight for each person, said the Minister of Health.

They are restoring “green corridors” for vaccination

Minister Angelov also reported on achievements during his tenure. “We were in one of the first places in terms of morbidity and mortality, now we are in the middle. Now we are seeing a 12% increase in those who are willing to get vaccinated. This shows that with our actions we have managed to convince people to believe in science. I manage to work side by side with people and convince them. I will spare no effort and means to save as many people as possible. My main goal is to be useful to achieve better results, “said Professor Angelov.

In the course of a global pandemic, any decision made must be based on the current situation, he explained.

Our main goal was to keep soldiers on the front lines, people involved in public life, and the elderly and people with chronic diseases. The green corridors were made because we had many vaccinations and people from a certain group did not come to get vaccinated. 30% are older people who have been vaccinated from the age of 65. We have an unpredictable virus all over the world, there are queues of people all over the world who want to get vaccinated. The second doses are reserved for all those vaccinated. Only Astra Zeneca is not necessary, because we are waiting for new doses and it is not necessary. The battle will be to keep people healthy. We received a new delivery of 21,060 doses from Pfizer. We do not stop looking for vaccines so that they arrive on time. Our goal is to have 70% of citizens vaccinated by the end of June. This can be achieved if we have vaccines and if we vaccinate 500-600,000 Bulgarians per month, he explained.

“We have not trusted anyone. The EC has signed contracts with manufacturing companies and they have committed to supplies, which, however, are not fulfilled, said Minister Angelov.

According to him, if all the requested quantities of vaccines arrive, they will even stay. “We need vaccines now. More importantly, we were able to restore the confidence of 12% of people and persuade them to get vaccinated. This is a success,” he said. According to the Minister of Health, we are managing the pandemic.

“There is no understanding on the part of the people that they have to follow the measures. We walked on the razor’s edge and achieved a result that very few countries have achieved. We promised that if the incidence was less than 200 per 100,000 in two weeks, we would relax The measures. We now have a plateau of morbidity and mortality of around 12 to 13 percent. At the moment, the health system is prepared to withstand the pressure and cope. The red lights do not turn on and the measures are loosened. Where there are epidemic outbreaks, local measures are taken. Our job is to keep the epidemic under control and deal with it. Our main goal is to restore peace to the people, said Professor Kostadin Angelov.

Yesterday there were queues of people waiting in vain in front of the hospitals, because the hospitals have not announced on their pages when there will be corridors, it was clear from his words.

We have learned many lessons during the pandemic, we prepare very well, we are moving forward with confidence and we already know how to defeat this virus, the Health Minister concluded.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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Maya yordanova

