Guardian: AstraZeneca vaccine is not used by European countries – от World news】 • current information, topics and news


Four out of five doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine delivered to EU countries have yet to be used, according to an investigation by The Guardian, which quotes German Chancellor Angela Merkel that Europeans have a “problem with the approval” of the vaccine. British.

Using data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control and other official sources, a team from the newspaper found that about 4,850,000 doses had not yet been used out of a total of approximately 6,135,000 distributed among the 27 member states.

The decision by the authorities of France, Germany, Poland and Italy to place AstraZeneca only for people under 65 is seen as a significant factor in the slow entry of the vaccine, given that young people are not being redirected. In an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, German Chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledged that the vaccine was also rejected by people concerned about its effectiveness and safety after a series of negative reviews.

The data analyzed by The Guardian shows some notable discrepancies between the amount of AstraZeneca vaccine available in the Member States and its use in the population. Three countries are mentioned: Belgium, Bulgaria and Germany.

Of the 201,600 doses of AstraZeneca received in Belgium, 9,832 or 4% of the amount were injected. Bulgaria received 117,600 doses, of which it used 2,035 or only 1.73%. In Germany, out of 1,452,000 doses, 189,206 or 13 percent were administered.

At the same time, the Pfizer-Bayontech vaccine is the complete opposite: 4 out of 5 doses are used, The Guardian notes.

According to the data of the Unified Portal of Information on Coronavirus of the Ministry of Health, the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine in our country only in the last 24 hours has been administered to 14,674 people.

