London beats New York: every tenth is a millionaire


London is a city with very expensive properties. PHOTO: Pixabey

875,000 are wealthy in the British capital

London has overtaken New York as the city with the highest concentration of millionaires in the world, writes The Guardian. The British newspaper cites a report that reveals how much money the richest people made during the pandemic.

Nearly 875,000 Londoners are dollar millionaires (more than £ 720,000), according to an annual survey by real estate consultancy Knight Frank. This means that one in ten people in London is a millionaire in US dollars, as the gap between rich and poor in the capital is growing. New York ranks second with 820,000 millionaires.

Liam Bailey, head of the study, commented that the high cost of housing in the British capital has placed many people in the high-income group.

The average price of

London property

is £ 514,000

The study authors have set a threshold of $ 1 million (£ 720,000) for inclusion in the very high-income group. Many of those who own property belong to this group. According to the report, there are more than 68,000 properties in the British capital, which cost more than 2 million dollars.

He also says that the pandemic has not stopped the rich from getting even richer, on the contrary. Last year, more than 6,000 people joined the millionaires club. Those with a fortune of more than $ 30 million increased 2.4% in 2020. The study also found that a person living in the UK must have a fortune of $ 1.8 million to join the richest in the country, which are 1%.

In Monaco, home to some of the richest people, it takes a fortune of $ 7.9 million to join the richest 1% and avoid paying high taxes. $ 5.1 million is needed in Switzerland, $ 4.4 million in the United States, and $ 20,000 in Kenya.

Recently, many wealthy Hong Kong residents have moved to London. There has been a 68% increase in so-called golden visas issued last year to Hong Kong residents who have pledged to invest at least £ 2 million on the island. The British capital is an attractive place for a pleasant lifestyle for the wealthy around the world with elite restaurants, theaters, concert halls, universities, opportunities for sport and leisure, emphasizes The Guardian.

Three British economists propose introducing a tax on everyone with property worth more than £ 500,000, including real estate. In 5 years it can raise 260 billion pounds, which is the maintenance of the health system for 1 year. (24 hours)
