Immunization offices open 24 hours a day, open new, record electronically (overview)


By the end of March, everyone will have a choice, 500,000 doses will arrive

From today and at the GP

Minister Angelov: Bulgarians, please believe in science!

Vaccination rooms open 24 hours, calls Green Corridors will continue during the week, and electronic registration will begin in March.

With this, the mass vaccination in Bulgaria entered its real phase in literally two days. Queues of thousands of people wishing to defend themselves against COVID lined up over the weekend in front of the country’s major hospitals and RHIs.

“The queues are many. We have enough vaccines. I thank those who believed in science and in doctors, ”Health Minister Kostadin Angelov commented on Sunday in front of the Alexandrovska Hospital in the capital, where he went to follow the process. Yesterday there were 2 offices, today 4 more open, and the hospital has created an organization for mobile teams. Previously, the minister was at the Military Medical Academy, where

injections hit

personally and the boss

at headquarters

and director of the hospital gen. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski.

On the first day off, people waited patiently for 2 hours in front of Pirogov, the hospital, which was the first to open 5 offices for everyone. Yesterday, all the major hospitals in Sofia had opened the points, and the “St. Ivan Rilski” has been working round the clock since Sunday.

“At the end of the day, we will give instructions to all RHIs. Where the queues continue in the late afternoon, we are ready for the opening of vaccination offices around the clock in the regional cities,” said Prof. Angelov.

“Bulgarians, hope is in your hands, believe in science, believe in doctors!” He addressed those who do not plan to get vaccinated yet. And he assured that no willing Bulgarian would be left without an injection. Today another new batch of preparations arrives.

An “electronic registration” will begin on March 3: everyone can request a convenient point for everyone.

318 cabinets

for vaccination

in the country

and the type of vaccine he wants, Angelov announced. The registry was developed by Information Services.

In reality, however, the people of our country will have a choice at the end of March, he admitted. A total of 500,000 doses of vaccine are expected to have arrived then. Now that the mass immunization is with the Oxford immunization, the ready RNAs are recorded as waiting. “The choice is extremely crucial in the vaccination strategy. It will be a fact when the regular quantities of vaccines begin to arrive, when companies begin to comply with their contracts,” explained the Minister.

Current injection



100% development


disease, Angelov is inflexible.

“In the UK, this is the first time that the elderly have been vaccinated. There are no reports of serious reactions.” 3 million patients have already been immunized there with AstraZeneca and are using it in 6 other European countries, “said the inspector. Chief of Health Angel Kunchev And among the doses scheduled for March will be “Jansen.”

“We have entered the mass immunization stage. A good organization has been created. As of Monday, GPs are also involved,” announced Associate Professor Kunchev. So far there have been no serious side effects.

From 110,000


just 153

complained about

Mild problems Only one allergic reaction has been reported, it is quickly controlled and the patient is fine.

“There is no exact deadline for the second dose as this can happen even after 2 years and it will continue to work, but we put it at 15-20 days,” said Professor Kunchev during his inspection of the vaccination process in Plovdiv. For some, the protection can last more than 12 months.

There were also queues in Plovdiv, vaccines are rumored to be running out.

20 vaccination centers have been opened for the Blagoevgrad region, 14 are in the Kyustendil region, it was reported during the deputy’s visit. Minister of Health Svetlana Yordanova. The working hours of the checkpoint at RHI – Blagoevgrad were extended so that everyone in line could pass. “There is a need for additional doses of vaccines. We have notified the vaccination site and another 2,500 will be delivered by the end of the day. No one will be returned,” Yordanova said. At Gotse Delchev 1000 doses were given, for Razlog – 700, 200 each at Sandanski and Petrich.

In Kyustendil, a record for the percentage of infected this month, 14 injection offices have been opened, 400 people have already been placed.

In the Dobrich district, instead, en masse


living in

local towns,

are among the first

on the vaccination lists.

And Ruse opens additional offices starting today, no pre-registration required.
