Study: Pfizer Vaccine Stops Spread of Coronavirus – Topics in Development


IN the axin against KOVID-19 of the companies “Pfizer” and “Biontech” is effective not only for the protection against the new coronavirus, but also prevents its spread in more than 89%, reported the electronic edition of the German magazine “Spiegel “.

The publication refers to the results of a still unpublished study carried out jointly with the Israeli Ministry of Health. The results of the study show that in 89.4 percent of cases, those vaccinated do not transmit SARS-CoV-2 to other people. The study was conducted in Israel using data from 1.7 million vaccinated people.

Mass vaccination, where you can get vaccinated

The Israeli Ministry of Health announced today that the Pfizer vaccine is almost completely effective after the second dose. The vaccine has been shown to be nearly 99 percent effective in preventing hospitalizations, serious illness and mortality in people who have taken a second dose in the past two weeks, according to the ministry. The vaccine protocol provides for two injections three weeks apart.

Israel is the first country in the world to clearly show the impact of the vaccine in real life, with a large part of the population of 9.3 million already immunized. The country’s digital database allows detailed epidemiological monitoring.

One week after the second dose, the vaccine was 91.9 percent effective against novel coronavirus infection, 96.9 percent effective against developing fever, and 94.5 percent effective against hospitalization, serious illness, and death. .

Two weeks after the second dose, the efficacy increased to 95.8 percent against infection, to 98 percent against fever and shortness of breath, and to 98.9, 99.2, and 98.9 percent against hospitalization, severe illness and death, respectively.

Israel begins immunization with the vaccine on December 19. The announced results come from an analysis of data as of February 13.

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