Prof. Angelov: It is not human to have vaccines and nobody to vaccinate – Medicines


Science tells us clearly and precisely that the vaccines that arrive and are available have passed through all phases of testing, are safe and guarantee a normal life if we vaccinate more than 70 or 70% of our population. This was commented to journalists in Vratsa by the Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. Kostadin Angelov.

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“It can be seen that many other countries are progressing at a better rate. In our country distrust is very high and is due to various factors over time, such as distrust in institutions, distrust in health authorities. This is something we will continue to work for. Sometimes the fight for people’s lives is fought with each individual, even with himself, because people believe in the things they hear and like. Therefore, I cannot accept that there is experts who keep saying things that people will like and not things that science has proven. This is very worrying, “he added.

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Angelov also commented that there is no pressure on the medical institutions in Vratsa, Vidin and Montana.

There is a certain increase in the incidence in Vratsa, but there is no pressure on the medical establishments. Then I will go to see how things are going in the hospital, in the emergency room, to see if what we have said is true and if the colleagues need something. RHI directors assured me that there was no need for additional amounts of personal protective equipment, consumables, and disinfectants. The timing of vaccinations, in my opinion, is poor for several reasons. The good news is that there are no vaccines left in the refrigerators in the three regions, only the doses of the latest deliveries of the Oxford vaccine, which are distributed, Minister Angelov explained.

According to him, a bad practice that slows down the vaccination process in Bulgaria is that some GPs advise their patients not to rush to get vaccinated.

“This is incomprehensible to me as a doctor, because every human life lost by any Bulgarian is a loss to the whole country and to stand and wait to make sure our mistrust turns to trust. After a while, it is wrong. “We have all taken an oath in the first place to protect human life and trust only science in our decisions,” he recalled.

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He pointed out that it was unpleasant that people who had already expressed a desire to get vaccinated refused at the last minute.

We are creating an organization to vaccinate a certain group of people, and about 70% comes from this group, and it is necessary to find the people very quickly to get vaccinated so that the doses of the vaccine are not wasted. The vaccination headquarters has submitted a proposal, which we will discuss in terms of giving the opportunity to call people and from the next phase (i.e. those who can be vaccinated: elderly and people with chronic diseases), we are also considering the possibility of Unlocking vaccination in the fourth phase, because it is not human to have vaccines, wait for someone to come to be vaccinated and not come. This is the case on Saturdays and Sundays, when there are fewer than 100 vaccinated people in the whole country, which is absurd. This is yet to change. We will discuss it with the experts and this will definitely change the rate of vaccination, said the Minister of Health.

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“I was vaccinated with the vaccine that is available. And yes, this is the best vaccine, the one that currently exists. Days will come when we will have in each RHI refrigerator one of the three, four, five vaccines that are registered, and then we can choose Vaccines. Yes, this is going to happen, but it is not going to happen now, because currently certain amounts of doses are arriving, for which we have contracts. Sometimes they don’t even arrive on time, “he added.

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