The Minister of Health: Phase 4 of vaccination can start in early March – Health – Bulgaria – NOVA News


“In recent weeks, we have seen a constant trend of increasing COVID-19 cases in our country. At the same time, thanks to the country’s measures, which have the lowest severity index, we managed to maintain sustainable morbidity rates in Europe This was stated by the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, in the regular briefing of the health authorities.

During the last week the confirmed cases are 5708 and 3659 are cured. In medical establishments, employment is 35% for uncomplicated patients and 38% – for intensive care. The highest occupancy of beds in the districts of Blgagoevgrad, Varna, Gabrovo, Pazardzhik, Sofia district, Silistra, Haskovo and Shumen is impressive.

The Minister of Health stressed that in recent days there has been a sad pattern in public reactions to the measures. “When, as a consequence of the increase in the number of infected, we tighten the measures, it is said that we are hindering the economy. When we decide to loosen the measures due to the reduction in the number of infected, it is said that we do not care. I mean that all of us who oppose you pay a high personal price. But only in this way, consistently, can we win victory over this virus. I think so far we have been right ”, stressed Professor Angelov.

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“The incidence, compared to last week based on 100,000 people, has increased by 32 percent. Mortality has increased by only 4 percent, but what we found in the previous courses is that it continues the increase of approximately 16 days after the peak of the highest incidence, “said the chairman of the national operations staff, Professor Ventsislav Mutafchiiski.

“Hospitals have an increase of more than 15 percent compared to last week. The intensive structures are still not as busy, but there is as much dependency as with mortality,” he added.

The Head of State Health Inspectors, Prof. Angel Kunchev, announced that we are 26th out of 27 EU countries and 6th in the Balkans in terms of morbidity. “The highest levels are registered in Portugal and Spain, and the lowest in Bulgaria and Greece,” he added.

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According to him, at the moment we have 12 districts in the red zone. Only four areas are in yellow. The difference in morbidity is approximately 11 times the proportion of the most critical and most favorable area.

“We do not have data on a revaccinated person who tested positive for COVID-19. Let me remind you that immunity is achieved no earlier than the 10th day after stopping the second dose of vaccine. Until then, everything is a question of risk. We do not have , we are studying the world to test the efficacy of immunity before the 10th day after the second vaccination, ”said Minister Angelov.

According to him, what is happening in Europe and Bulgaria is the beginning of a third wave. “I am always cautious with definitive answers. Because from the beginning the coronavirus denied most of our answers,” he said, adding that there is an organization that will be ready by the end of February, no later than March 5 with the 3 of March. phase of the vaccination plan. Phase 4 can start in early March.

“Do not expect us to answer questions that science in the world has not yet given. We speak only the truth, in its pure form as science gives it and nothing else,” Angelov commented.

“When we have 200 sick people per 100,000 over a period of 14 days, we will unite and take the necessary measures. Until then, I do not want to say anything categorical, so as not to mislead the Bulgarian citizens. Rest assured,” he added.

Polar reactions between parents to test their children

“Preschoolers and students in grades 1-4 study in person starting January 4. For 4 weeks in January we had a slight increase in cases. It is debatable which environment, how much, contributes to the increase in the rate of infection, but the fact is that every interaction does it. The educational system is an environment of numerous interactions of several hours, “said the Minister of Education, Krassimir Valchev.

Associate Professor Kunchev answered questions from parents about children’s tests (VIDEO)

According to him, currently 650,000 children and students are in school and there is no way this could be part of the chain of spread of the virus. On the other hand, research shows that the younger children are, the less they individually transmit the virus. “That is to say, the problem is not so much the children as the classroom as the environment,” Valchev said, adding: “Our desire is to have the maximum assistance, but to the extent that is reasonable and to the extent that the situation allows. and do not endanger the health of many children, teachers and parents. “

“We have set ourselves the objective of continuing the current training for as long as possible. The entrance exams and Matura are approaching. The worst thing for a country is the low education of its citizens,” said the Minister of Health.

According to him, antigen tests were the solution to help children stay longer in school. “Our goal is not to close schools, but quite the opposite: to give children the opportunity to touch for longer and more fully the values ​​that education will give them,” said Professor Angelov.


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