Adjunct Professor Mangarov and mathematician Velkov in sharp dispute over COVID measures


The director of the COVID clinic of the Association of the Hospital of Infectious Diseases of Sofia Prof. Atanas Mangarov PHOTO: Personnel: BTV

Attacks that math is not medicine and accusations of seeking political dividends from people’s pain. Thus passed the debate among the infectious disease specialist Assoc. Prof. Atanas Mangarov and the mathematician Petar Velkov in “The Nikolaos Citiridis Show”.

“If mathematicians were lacquered, things would not be as they are. You are quoting things that you do not understand. You are just repeating them like a parrot,” Professor Mangarov told Velkov after they both fled furiously. “Schizophrenic and idiot”, that’s what Velkov called Assoc. Prof. Mangarov on social media, said the infectious disease specialist.

As an attempt to extract political dividends from the pain of the people in the COVID crisis, the mathematician defined the speech of the infectious diseases specialist in the face of anti-epidemic measures, who since last week is a candidate for deputy for the ABV party lists. .

That the pandemic is underestimated in our country was the only opinion in which both agreed. The reason is that the cases are much more than announced, according to the head of the COVID clinic at the infectious diseases hospital in the capital, and that leads to “political fascism.”

“We are declared the number one per capita death rate in the world. More than 18,000 died as a result of the pandemic in our country. This happened only in the last year and the death rate was double than in the last 5 years. “, argues Petar Velkov. According to him, the measures work and after a certain time the number of infected decreases, otherwise the health system in our country will not last.

However, Adjunct Professor Mangarov responds that our country has always been at the forefront of many different types of mortality, including infant mortality. “As of today, there is a 10-year threat in the UK to violate quarantine, which is a draconian measure. The gentleman clearly believes that medicine is arithmetic, but it is not,” said the infectious disease specialist, adding that if we shut down and lock in, we will only hurt the economy and all other aspects of life.

He explained that in recent days, of the 90 beds in the COVID clinic under his leadership, there are 18 occupied and of those 18 patients, only three must actually be in the hospital. “They are there because they are afraid and because fear has been ingrained since February last year,” the doctor explained, asking Velkov if a man had died in his arms.

“Yes, he was dying,” he said, explaining that he had been in the hospital as a volunteer from March until last summer. At the end of the conversation, the mathematician presented a report with statistics and research on morbidity in the world to Associate Professor Mangarov to show him that the scientific community around the world supports the measures.
