Doctors and health professionals behind Angelov: it is ugly and unacceptable to attack him


With fervent support for Minister Kostadin Angelov, professional organizations left the healthcare system after restaurant owners came into open conflict with him in recent days and famous people intervened in the dispute.

According to the BMA, “it is ugly and inadmissible to attack the person who made the protection of life a priority, both for doctors and for all Bulgarian citizens.” The Association of Health Professionals went even further, seeing “insults to doctors and ordinary people who paid with their lives in this difficult battle with the invisible enemy.”

Rapper Hristo Petrov (Itzo Hazarta), who has become the main protagonist, in turn expressed the hope that what happened would help the government take note of his public speech.

Exchange of harsh words

“COVID-19 allowed us to reorganize our priorities: education, health care, sports.” Restaurants and hoteliers are certainly a very important industry, but they are not our priority at the moment, “said the Minister of Health on January 18.

On this occasion, yesterday in the study of “Face to Face” Itzo Hazarta pointed out: “In the past, a European politician decided that Jews are not his priority. And although the methods have changed a lot since then, the result is the same.

The president of the Bulgarian Restaurant Association, Richard Alibegov, summed up the situation as follows in “This Morning”: “Obviously, the Minister of Health is stuck in our industry.”

The Medical Union is behind its minister

It is unacceptable that the fight against the epidemic is defined as a personal revenge of the Minister of Health and it is “ugly and inadmissible” to be attacked, the doctors’ union is blunt.

“In the context of the greatest crisis since the Second World War, it is unacceptable to have priorities other than health. The only priority is and must be life. And balanced, rational and flexible management of measures, together with awareness of the need for its strict compliance are decisive for us to continue to function as a society ”, writes the BMA.

The Medical Union points out that “compared to other European countries, the measures in our country are among the most liberal and, in fact, most companies continue to operate.”

Without mentioning names, the participation of the Game on bTV was commented yesterday: “It is not fair to make a comparison, and on national air, of a dark time related to the physical liquidation of 6 million people and the economic difficulties of today, in the one found all over the world. Deliberate death has nothing to do with seeking their protection. “

An arrogant and absolutely unacceptable parallel

Health professionals significantly toughen Itzo Hazarta’s tone: “Dear Mr. Petrov, saying absurd things from a high public platform is dangerous for society. The parallel you made is false and absolutely unacceptable, on the eve of International Holocaust Day! “

According to them, to speak of “a European politician”, Jewish and having priority in the context of the COVID measures is “an arrogant and absolutely unacceptable parallel.”

And they continue: “Today, when the whole world faces COVID-19 and works together to find ways of salvation to save as many lives as possible, you, Mr. Petrov, have allowed yourself to loudly insult a doctor. in the face of Minister Kostadin Angelov, who, together with the experts from the National Operational Headquarters, seeks the most correct solutions with the first priority: preserving the health of the nation. By launching this inadmissible insult, you are undermining all efforts that specialists in our country perform for the treatment and rescue of patients with coronavirus infection.

The post ends with the following sentence: “Let us trust the experts, the people for whom every human life is valuable regardless of gender, race, religion and political affiliation.”

The game’s answer

I thank people who understand that my words do not appeal to the opening of restaurants, nor do I want to offend anyone. I believe and hope that no government in the near future will allow an expression like “you are not our priority”. “to any part of our people,” Itzo Hazarta commented on Facebook.

He called for a smart debate and made it clear that media attacks against him could go to court.
