Biden signed 15 decrees, returning the United States to the climate agreement


In his first hours as president, Joe Biden signed 15 decrees that took steps toward radical changes in US foreign and domestic policy.

With one of the documents that order the return of the United States to the Paris Climate Agreement, news agencies reported.

Also, Biden signed the return of the United States to the World Health Organization and lift the entry ban in the country of citizens of some predominantly Muslim countries.

Joe Biden took an oath: we will write a story of hope, of dignity


Joe Biden took an oath: we will write a story of hope, of dignity

“We celebrate the triumph not of one person, but of democracy” …

In keeping with his promise to fight the pandemic, the 46th president also signed a decree mandatory use of masks in federal institutions and other federal territories for a period of 100 days.

Joe Biden also signed stop construction of the wall along the border with Mexico, and revoked the authorization for construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

By signing the 15 decrees and two presidential notes, moves at unprecedented speed on his agenda, notes the BBC.

For comparison – In the first two weeks of his mandate, Donald Trump issued 8 decrees and Barack Obama – 9.

Recall, immediately after his inauguration, Biden wrote on Twitter: “There is no time to lose, when it comes to tackling the crises we face. “

Biden on Twitter: No time to waste

Biden on Twitter: No time to waste

He published his first tweet from the official account @POTUS …
