Spence with an emotional confession about the kidnapping of her son, but … – ᐉ Curious • news about lifestyle, diet, health and fashion.


Spence was accused by his ex-wife and mother of their son Maxim – Petra, 3, of “domestic violence.” Her case was won without appeal by Spence, after it was proven that the rapper never physically assaulted his ex, and the “verbal insults” were only part of his job and were not directed at her.

However, Petra did not stop the war against the rapper, instead she kept turning the media around and insulting him.

This also sparked Spence’s open letter. Attached to the letter are several screenshots of a chat in which Petra confesses about her new boyfriend and her intentions to adopt Spence’s son.

Here is his emotional confession:

“Not without my son”

For a long time I was silent, swallowing and holding, carelessness was poured in my direction, lies were told, blatant lies. I was only guided by the fact that I am the father of three children and when you are a father, this is not only the greatest happiness in the world, but also a great responsibility. But things are already out of tune … Some people told me that Spence is the “worst” person in the world. It’s very easy to hide behind this and dole out ratings, leaving out the important details. And we all know that the devil is in them. When he insults and spreads falsehoods or when he conveniently and easily turns them into “blasphemies” in my speech and when his children read them, it is right for my voice to be heard.

Indeed, I won the case that my ex-partner, Mrs. Petra Valcheva, brought me for alleged “domestic violence” against him, expressed in an act of verbal aggression against him, at a time when we had not been together for a long time. weather. The fact that the subject of the case was “verbal violence”, words, spoken sentences, blows, which were not even directed at her, and not physical aggression, was conveniently concealed from her. And when it spreads left and right that Spence is on trial for “domestic violence,” and when he has children not just from you, it’s okay, or at least the parenting requires it, to make this little clarification.

Spence with an emotional confession about taking her son, but ...

In fact, the purpose of the legal dispute raised by Ms. Valcheva was to discredit me, discredit me, form a wrong public opinion about me and thus be vulnerable and dishonored in the subsequent lawsuit that she filed again. The subject of this dispute is the exercise of parental authority of our young son – Maxim Naidenov, although I have never argued that the mother exercises them, and the only thing I insisted on was having contact with the child to maintain and maintain it. the strong bond between us.

Spence with an emotional confession about taking her son, but ...

The goal is clear: to become totally blackened, to become a “bad” and totally “inadequate” parent. Having very limited, even prohibited, contact with my son.

For me it is very clear, and as a responsible father I am aware that a 3 year old needs much more than his mother and I do not dispute it. Still, most of all, I want my son to be happy. Ms. Valcheva is conveniently forgotten by the fact that when we were on good terms, I took Maxim and just the two of us spent time and took care of him almost completely. Now to claim that I am the “blackest” in the world and to be given only 2 hours to see my son during the day and in his presence, and when he is in the mood, is, to put it mildly, unacceptable to me. . Even more so when this happens once every two or three months. The name of his new aver, Plovdiv businessman Veselin Kavrakov, is not usefully mentioned. And to clarify the whole picture, I want to ask: Is it true that Ms. Valcheva moved to Plovdiv in May 2020 and her wife died in January of the same year? And is it true that you are eager to adopt my child?

Spence with an emotional confession about taking her son, but ...

In relation to my place of residence. It was not clear to me, nor to the general audience, where I live. Am I protected by my current girlfriend / 41 years old / or do I live in the house that Ms. Valcheva bought me for 50,000 BGN? Again, a little clarification. To this day, this house, which was in ruins at the time of purchase, costs twice as much, thanks solely to me, to my constant work over the last 3 years, the materials that I put there.

By the way, all the neighbors will confirm. So, as the owner of your ideal share, Ms. Valcheva’s investment is protected. Other than that, even though the house was bought with a loan in my ex’s name, I pay it back in more than the next half. All of this, she again is conveniently silent from all of you.

Spence with an emotional confession about taking her son, but ...

I respect journalism when it is objective, so I will not fall to the level of hired journalists. But I just want to ask these people, when you consider yourself a professional, who is objectively seeking the truth, shouldn’t the other point of view be sought as well? Shouldn’t you try to verify malicious information that is “thrown” at you from several different sources and backed up with something?

Is it true that Ms. Valcheva’s mother is Pavlina Zhivkova, a famous journalist and scholar who writes for serious publications? Or simply collegially, you will blindly repeat falsehoods, threatening to forget that no matter how many times you tell a lie, it will never come true! One thing is for sure, when you use the trash can to throw away the clothes and bread that I lovingly bought for my son, you will not be able to calm your conscience and be the victim. How else will it turn out that Spence didn’t buy anything for her son? You could at least give the dress to a mother in need …

Spence with an emotional confession about taking her son, but ...

And since I think that playing with such delicate topics is not in the interest of my children, especially since 3-year-old Maxim, I will say one thing. To the great regret of Ms Valcheva and her family, whom I respect and towards whom I have a good attitude, our common son will bear my name: Maxim Stanislavov Naidenov. For the right to be in his life and for him to know me, despite his mother’s wishes, I want him to grow up with the love and protection of his older brother and sister. I will fight and I am willing to pay any price, including my dignity not to forgive me, even if there is no mercy for my closest people!

Finally, I want to say that the intro of my first album “Better people in the mouth than people in the feet, listen to the album of the Song” is more relevant than ever! Keep the rest and the screenshots. And don’t forget that malice makes a person cough, and when you cough, they get off the plane … remember?

We remind you that at the end of last summer Petra Valcheva was the first to “yell” at her ex-partner and made shocking revelations about him.

Each coin has two sides, so the Spence and Petra versions are very different from each other. The truth about their relationship and their love for Maxim may lie in the middle.

Here’s Petra’s emotional confession from August last year, when the two engaged in a sharp virtual dialogue on the social network. Judge for yourself who is right and who is not:

I lived to see Mr. Stanislav Spens Naydenov dedicate something like a rhyme to me. I only own half of our “family” house, for which I took a loan … to live in it with one of my lovers. How old was our son? , taking her to our house for the first time? 7 years left of the loan … 38,000 BGN. The lord stopped paying it. Nothing unexpected. Braves, Spence, you are a star! “Petra wrote on Facebook, attaching a screenshot from a post by the hip-hop star, showing bread dumped in a trash can, and her ex’s words are lined up on the frame.”

Spence with an emotional confession about her son's kidnapping, but ...

“Spence is looking for a woman who is unpretentious. Who does not ask him where and what to do, and at the same time takes care of him, but above all not to ask him questions., she is categorical. The family romance between her and the former radio host lasted a total of 4 years, and in the last two and a half they have been parents.

“Infidelity was one of the main reasons we ended our relationship. I have caught him more than once. Although he swore that another woman would not set foot in our family home, now he is with his new burn.”says her ex. The property is located in Marchaevo and a large part of it is still under construction.

Spence with an emotional confession about taking her son, but ...

