The third wave is established. What should Bulgaria do: opinions, accents and comments on hot topics


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Yasen Boyadzhiev’s comment:

The second wave of the coronavirus epidemic in Bulgaria has visibly subsided. It could have been shorter, lower, and had far fewer victims if restrictive measures were more timely and stricter. And that is why the important thing now is not to make the same mistakes. Because with great certainty it can be said that a third wave is already on the horizon.

The threat

Experts warn that due to the inevitable spread of the most contagious British strain of the virus, this wave could be more powerful and destructive. The threat can be judged by the example of Great Britain itself, where, despite strict restrictions, twice as many people are infected every day than during the second wave of November, and more deaths than in the first wave of spring. As in the example of Ireland. In December it had the lowest incidence rate in the EU and was one of the countries that relaxed the restrictions during the holidays the most. Now it is hit by a “tsunami” of new cases and is the country with the highest rate of spread of the infection in the world. Its hospitals are on the brink of collapse despite an even tougher third closure.

What can you do

The warning is categorical and clear, and Bulgaria must do everything possible to avoid it. For this, however, it will obviously not be possible to rely on one of the safest means – vaccination. In Bulgaria, it is moving too slow to reduce enough space for the virus to spread. Therefore, the only solution is a flexible, effective and well-planned set of restrictive measures.

Currently, however, the trend is reversing. It’s already being felt and the pressure to loosen the measures is sure to mount. The first were the hotel restaurants, which have been open for a long time. These days art schools and sports schools have been added, in the next few days it will be the turn of the rest of the restaurants and shopping centers. There is a growing calm. And it is very likely that we will repeat the frivolity of summer and fall, so things got out of control, and we will follow the inertia of total detachment.

Schools: the crossroads and the engine of infection

School decisions seem to be of the utmost importance. In the clash between health and pedagogical arguments, they have long tried to convince us that children almost do not transmit the virus. In fact: for reasons that science cannot yet explain, the contribution to the epidemic of younger children and students appears small. However, this does not apply to the largest.

Recent scientific data shows that the opposite is true: due to a number of quirks of living together and communicating with so many people indoors, schools are a kind of bustling crossroads for the spread of infection, making them one of its most powerful engines. . By the way, if anything has been conclusively proven by the current course of the epidemic in Bulgaria, it is just that: the obvious connection between its peaks and valleys, on the one hand, and the stages of opening and closing schools, on the one hand. other. Therefore, in the coming weeks, its eventual opening must be extremely careful. Otherwise, the slow course of vaccination and the probable spread of the most contagious strain of the virus will lead to an even greater jump compared to autumn in the number of infected and victims, which will impose even more severe and unpleasant for all . Limits.

Of course, current forms of training are more effective than distance training. But when it comes to the quality of education, there has been some more unpleasant news lately for me at least: so far, only about 20 percent of Bulgarian teachers express a desire to be vaccinated. And that, by definition, should be one of the more enlightened classes, right?
