Ordinary masks are not enough, Germany forces to wear … – 【World News】 • current information, topics and news


Authorities in Germany may introduce the mandatory use of respiratory masks, which are thicker than ordinary medical masks and filter more particles, BGNES reported.

According to the tabloid “Bild”, a similar requirement has already been introduced in the state of Bavaria. If the relevant decision is made today, this measure may become mandatory across the country. Chancellor Angela Merkel will discuss with the prime ministers of the German provinces the introduction of additional measures such as teleworking for employees.

According to a spokesperson for the Ministry of Economy, Germany has the capacity to produce 750 million FFP2 / FFP3 masks per year. The Health Ministry emphasizes that there are no signs of a shortage of supplies. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced this Sunday that as of January 25 in certain places such as public transport and commerce, the use of FFP2-type masks will become mandatory.

