Half of Bulgaria under water (ABSTRACT)


Disaster situation in the country! Snow froze the northwest and heavy rains flooded several settlements. The orange code for hazardous weather conditions is valid in 5 districts and all other cities are colored yellow.

The heavy rains do not stop for the second day. According to the data – during the last 9 hours in our country more than 20 liters per square meter have fallen.

The wind knocked over several large pine trees in the town of Pamporovo, the rivers in southwestern Bulgaria overflowed. There are cars taken away and dozens of houses flooded. The state urgently convened a crisis headquarters to monitor the levels of the dams throughout the day.


The Erma River overflowed its banks and flooded houses and yards in Trun. There are fallen trees. The first signals that people began to give around 05:00 in the morning. So far a partial state of emergency has been declared.

Simeon Petrov says that in his 46 years he had never seen anything like it. He does not know how they will spend the night after the Erma River flooded the basement and the first floor of the house. “Almost half of the animals are gone. I had 30 chickens. Now I only have 5. There is a lot of damage,” he said.


Shortly after 5 a.m., the first calls for the river’s overflow begin, says Trun Mayor Tsvetislava Tsvetkova. “The river had breached the levee. It flooded 5 yards and one of the houses flooded the basement. We are beginning to build a levee where the river empties to prevent possible subsequent flooding,” he said.


Some 500 people from the Murgovitsa district had to use an alternative road until the bridge was cleared. “Every year the riverbed is cleaned. A week ago it rained here. contributed to the rapid melting of the snow. From there to the elevation of the river level, “added Tsvetkova.

River takes jeep near Simitli (VIDEO)

The overflowing river leaves the tourist park “El gorge of the Erma river” underwater. Violeta Trenkova has been living permanently in the area for 10 years and so far no such thing has happened. “I was pretty scared,” she says. And she admits that she is one of the lucky ones, because she lives higher and does not suffer any damage. “Many trees are broken. They came from the Municipality immediately,” adds Trenkova.

In the Simitli area, a driver who ran off the road fell into the waters of the Gradevska river. The man managed to escape unscathed, the car remained in the water.

Sofia’s field is also under water. The heavy rains caused many problems in the villages near Novi Iskar. Public transport lines had to be closed and dozens of emergency crews were working at the scene.


Angelina Peleva is having a real nightmare early this morning. Several cars, including hers, were trapped by the raging waters of the Katinska River in a narrow underpass. “I stayed right under the bridge. The water was getting hotter. It was getting scarier. I had a feeling that I would die there,” he said.


She is rescued by two boys who manage to get her out of the car. “Without their help, I wouldn’t be alive. I was shivering and in the water,” adds Peleva.

One of the rescuers, David, recounts how he instinctively jumped into the deep water to pull the woman out. “She was scared, the water had washed her away and she was grabbing the brakes. We went in through the right door and took him to the trunk of the jeep,” he said.

HIGH LEVELS OF THE ISKAR RIVER: A woman on the verge of drowning (VIDEO + PHOTOS)

The road under the railway bridge remained closed throughout the day. “The level is low because of the bridge. The river comes out of its bed,” said Daniela Raycheva, mayor of the Nova Iskar region.

“They have been notified by NRIC, if there is a danger to the trains, they will be stopped,” said Krassimir Dimitrov from Prevention and Emergency Aid in Sofia municipality.

All tributaries of the Iskar River have high levels. In the Novi Iskar region, the water is one and a half meters higher than yesterday’s values, measurements show. “There are agricultural land and backyards flooded,” said Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova.

Several houses were also flooded. The yard of Nora Simeonova, whose house is a few meters near the Blato river dam in Mirovyane, sank under water. “We have 3-4 houses in the lower part of town. The patio is flooded. From the canal it enters our patio through the well,” he said.

The emergency services of the municipality and the capital firefighters have been on their feet since the early morning. In many places they are building temporary dikes around the reservoirs. “We have water-based dikes in the lower parts so that the water cannot cross the ring road and reach the houses,” said Krassimir Dimitrov.

Elsewhere, excavators had to deliberately break up shores. “We hope this helps bring the level down the river,” said Yordanka Fandakova.

All critical sections around the Iskar River and its tributaries north of Sofia are constantly monitored.

They doubled the amount of water released by Pernik’s Studena Dam. This is necessary because the tank fills up too fast. The facility has only 2 million cubic meters of its maximum volume. According to the local water and sewerage manager, the situation is under control. Studena Dam has an electronic system that can monitor water inflow and flow in real time.

Fallen trees crushed cars in Pamporovo (VIDEO)

Crisis situation also in Pamporovo. A strong wind brought down trees in the complex. Five cars were buried. The elevator stopped and the crews worked all day. The Ministry of Tourism has appointed an urgent inspection.

Shortly after 4 in the morning, the powerful element wakes up tourists in the spa. Some of them are surprised to see their parked cars crushed by huge pine trees. “The storm was very strong. It twisted suddenly. Showcases, umbrellas, everything was flying,” said Sasho Brusev.

“It is a true miracle that there are no victims, because they are huge trees that could have caused much more damage, including human victims,” ​​said Ivaylo Kachovski, an employee of Pamporovo AD.

The State Forestry – Chepelare, which monitors dangerous and rotten trees, did not answer why the pines have not been removed so far.

The Ministry of Tourism has appointed an urgent inspection. “I have ordered inspections of the competent institutions, in particular the IGHG, as well as other competent authorities, to be inspected and sorted out. Where there are dangerous trees and a risk to the health and life of tourists, take the necessary measures urgently “said Mariana Nikolova, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism.

He noted that there was no damage to the other large mountain resorts and that they were not caught in the storm.

Early this morning, a nearly 8 meter tree fell at the entrance to the Sea Garden in Varna. Fortunately, there were no pedestrians at the time. Emergency teams are also monitoring the level of the dams in the Smolyan region.

Trees broken by heavy snowfall broke power lines and poles around Vidin, Montana and Vratsa. Winter froze the Northwest.

Hristina Damyanova is the mother of a child with a disability. He also takes care of his sick mother. He received candles because he cannot leave them unattended in the dark. “We had no electricity all night, we were with candles. We don’t even have range. We can’t call phones either.” Without electricity, it’s terrible, “he said.

Therefore, they were at least unable to call to report the accident. “The deputy mayor went to Vratsa because we have no connection, we cannot call and there is no one to give us information. I called, but there was no reach, ”said Mariana Ivanova – City Secretary.

The accidents are many: broken by the weight of the ice cables, broken insulators and access to the network is difficult for the teams because their path is blocked by trees downed by the weight of the snow.

For the people of Gorno Peshtene, however, the lack of electricity creates other problems for the people. “The water will also stop. If there is no electricity, the pumps will freeze and the pipes will burst. People will have no water,” said Veselin Milchev.

However, their greatest fear is of another water, that of the Scut River, which just over 6 years ago flooded both their homes and those of the people of Moesia. The river is still out of its channel, but outside the settlement regulation and has only flooded agricultural areas. However, the groundwater level is also rising and more slopes are coming from the heavy melting snow, so the townspeople are trying to take action in time.

DANGEROUS FLOODS: The Bulgaria-Greece gas pipeline is threatened (VIDEO)

The situation in western Bulgaria is dire after torrential rains. The Bulgaria-Greece gas pipeline is threatened in the Strumyani municipality area. This became clear after a meeting of the National Flood Protection Headquarters.

“Every effort is being made to protect it. The work that has been carried out is satisfactory,” said Chief Commissioner Nikolay Nikolov.

The situation around Sofia remains serious. He is most critical in the town of Mirovyane. The river Blato has raised its level a lot. The partial evacuation of the affected houses is being considered.

A partial state of emergency has been declared in the municipalities of Pernik, Batanovtsi, Radomir and Strumyani due to the Konska and Struma rivers.

There are flooded houses near Radomir, a drinking water pumping station is affected. Thus, during the next 2-3 days the residents of the city will receive drinking water from the reserve places.

Several houses in Batanovtsi are affected. The waters of the Konska River flooded fields and some houses.

Reporters: Gergana Malkodanska, Iliana Shishkova, Rumyana Popova, Blagoy Bekriev, Nikolay Vasilkovski

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