Stanford ranking: 12 scientists from Sofia University among the best in the world


Professor Vitanov is 228th out of 62,527 scientists, Prof. Hristov – 255 of 99,488

12 scientists from the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski ”are among the two percent of the best scientists in the world, according to the ranking of the prestigious Stanford University, USA.

The ranking groups all researchers in 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields. It is compiled from a complex analysis, which includes information on the number of citations, H index, Hm index of co-authorship, citations of articles in different positions of authorship and others.

The ranking includes the names of scientists from the University of Sofia “St. Cl. Ohridski”, from BAS and from other Bulgarian universities. Bulgarian researchers belong to different fields of science and occupy a leading position in the ranking of the American University in competition with millions of colleagues from around the world.

Prominent scientists of the University of Sofia are: Prof. Nikolay Vitanov, Prof. Ivan Hristov, Prof. Valentin Popov, Prof. Stoycho Yazadjiev, Prof. Georgi Vaisilov, Prof. Nikolay Denkov, Prof. Dimitar Tsalev, Prof. Petar Kralchevski (1956 -2020).), Prof. Dr. Ivo Grabchev, Prof. Krassimir Danov, Prof. Ivan B. Ivanov, Prof. Dr. Micha Karavasteva, who has been Head of the Department of Applied Inorganic Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy from 2008 to 2012. Who are the others (see box).

“24 hours” has data on the place of each of them in the ranking by scientific field

l Prof. Vitanov: 228 of 62 527 in the field of general physics

l Prof. Hristov: 255 out of 99488 in the field of optoelectronics and photonics

l Prof. Vaisilov: 352 of 32198 in the field of physical chemistry

l Prof. M. Karavasteva: 364 of 27 568 in the field of mining and metallurgy

l Prof. N. Denkov: 752 of 73903 in Physical Chemistry

l Prof. Popov: 916th of 224856 in Applied Physics

l Prof. Tsalev: 1031 ° of 87137 in Analytical Chemistry

l Prof. Kralchevski: 1098 of 73903 in Physical Chemistry

l I. Grabchev: 1467 of 73 903 in Physical Chemistry

l IB Ivanov: 1607 of 73903 in Physical Chemistry

l S. Yazadjiev: 1825 of 110499 in Physics of the nucleus and elementary particles

l K. Danov: 1899s of 73903 in Physical Chemistry

Corresponding Member Prof. Nikolai Vitanov He is a physicist, vice-rector for scientific activity at the University of Sofia. He is the author of 215 publications in peer-reviewed journals, total impact factor 670. 4719 independent citations (Web of Science), 7805 citations (Google Scholar). Visiting professor at many universities in the world. Member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics of the British Institute of Physics (since 2015, and since 2019 of the Section Editor (Atomic Physics).

Prof. Ivan Hristov works in applicable fields of physics: quantum electronics and laser technology, optics and photonics, etc. He is the author of 3 chapters of the scientific series Progress in Optics (1991), in the book Femtosecond Optical Frequency Comb: Principle, Operation and Applications (2005) and in the book Strong Field Laser Physics (2009).

Professor Hristov was the ideologue and leader of the project “Modern Femtosecond Photonics Laboratory”, financed by the National Fund for “Scientific Research”, which at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Sofia started the construction of the first (and currently only in operation) Femtosecond photonics laboratory with a powerful femtosecond laser system.

Prof. Georgi Vaisilov he is president of the Research Fund. Professor at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the University of Sofia. He is a prominent scientist, president of the Humboldt Union in Bulgaria until 2015, and now an honorary member. He is the winner of the Pythagoras Prize for an established scientist in the field of natural sciences and mathematics.

Professor Vaisilov has 98 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and 2261 citations for the period 1991-2015.

Prof. Nikolai Denkov is professor of physicochemistry, head of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the University of Sofia. Winner of the 2010 Pythagoras Prize from the Ministry of Education and Science in 2010. As a lead researcher in projects of the Japanese Agency for Science and Technology in Tsukuba, Japan (1994-95), Uppsala University, Sweden (2000) in Lyon, France ( 1997-98) and in New Jersey, USA (2003-04)

He was Minister of Education in the provisional government of Ognyan Gerdjikov.

Prof. Valentin Popov he is a professor at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Sofia, Department of Theoretical Physics.

He has achievements in the field of theoretical research and computer modeling of physical properties of carbon nanotubes, calculation of lattice dynamics of metal oxides and others. He has won international awards: Marie-Curie Intra-European Fellowship, NATO Advanced Study Fellowship, Research Fellowship from the Belgian Federal Office for Science Policy and others.

Corresponding Member Prof. Krassimir Danov is a mathematician, one of the most cited Bulgarian scientists abroad. He was a member of the SNA in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Research Studies in Chemical Engineering, and a member of the editorial board of the journals Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing.

Prof. Ivo Grabchev is a chemist, author of scientific research, thanks to which intelligent textile materials with sensory properties with antibacterial activity have been created. In the last 3 years he has been in charge of 5 projects of national and international importance. He has reviewed 22 scientific articles for prestigious international journals. In 2015 he received a Certificate from the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry for his contribution to the development of the journal.

Prof. Stoycho Yazadzhiev teaches theoretical physics and mathematics at the University of Sofia. He has specialized in the universities of Göttingen and Tübingen, Germany. He has been a visiting professor and has given lectures at various European universities. Head of 4 successfully defended PhD students, some of whom successfully continue their careers in Western Europe and others in Bulgaria. He directs a research group in theoretical and mathematical physics at the University of Sofia.

Art. cor. Prof. Dimitar Tsalev works in the field of analytical chemistry. His scientific contributions are in analytical atomic spectrometry: chemical modification in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS); development of atomic spectrometry methods with chemical generation of hydrides and hydride vapors; determination of chemical types of toxic elements, etc. Author and co-author of more than 220 publications, 2 patents in Germany, EU and US, 12 books and more.

Prof. Petar Kralchevski died on December 13, 2020. He devoted himself to the physicochemistry of fluid surfaces. In 2012 he became the youngest academic in Bulgaria. Author and co-author of more than 220 publications in scientific journals, 14 book chapters, and the groundbreaking monograph Particles at Fluid Interfaces and Membranes. His works have been cited more than 10,000 times in the scientific literature and his Hirsch index is h = 46.

Prof. Ivan Boyanov Ivanov died in 2018. His scientific works are in the field of physicochemistry and colloidal chemistry. Develops the directions of the hydrodynamics and thermodynamics physicochemical of dispersed systems: foams, emulsions and suspensions; effects of surfactant transport; critical rupture thicknesses of liquid films, etc. He has published more than 200 scientific articles, many of which are basic to colloidal science, making him among the most cited Bulgarian scientists abroad.

Stanford Ranking: 12 Sofia University Scientists Among the World's Best
