Harvard Professor: Aliens Visited Earth in 2017! – 【World News】 • Current information, topics and news


A Harvard professor revealed that in 2017 Earth was visited by an alien object, writes the New York Post. The theoretical physicist at Harvard University, Avey Loeb, presents his theory of an object with a particularly elongated shape that entered our solar system a few years ago.

This is described in his book Aliens: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth. It will appear on shelves on January 26.

The object in question is called Oumuamua. It was first observed through the Pan-STARRS telescope at the Haleakala Observatory in Hawaii in 2017. The researchers found that it passed through the plane of the ecliptic on September 6 from the direction of Vega, a star in the constellation Lyra. , which is about 25 light years from our planet. Just three days later, Oumuamua (a Hawaiian “rover”) began accelerating toward the sun before finally closing in on Earth on October 7 and “moving rapidly toward the constellation of Pegasus and the darkness beyond,” according to Loeb.

Some scientists claim that Oumuamua, considered the first interstellar object found in our solar system, is just another comet. But Loeb, who is chairman of the astronomy department at Harvard University, rejects this assumption because he relies too much on the “familiar.”

“What if a caveman saw a cell phone?” He asked in an interview with the New York Post. “Since you’ve only seen rocks in your entire life, you’d think they’re shiny rocks.”

Loeb points out two details that suggest that Oumuamua is not just a comet, but part of alien technology. The first detail is the size of the object, as it is described as “five to ten times as long as it is wide.” Loeb argues that such a cigar shape is not typical of a natural spatial object.

However, the physicist adds that the most important detail that supports his theory is the Oumuamua movement. “Too far from the sun was the final straw,” he said.

Loeb explains that the sun’s gravitational force would cause a natural cosmic object to move faster as it got closer, eventually pushing that body back, causing it to move more slowly as it got farther away.

Loeb notes that this did not happen to Oumuamua, who sped up “slightly but statistically to an extremely significant extent” as he drove further and further away.

“If we’re not alone, are we the smartest kids on the block?” Loeb asked. “If there was a species that was wiped out by war or climate change, we could come together and behave better. Instead, we lose a lot of resources on Earth, fighting each other and against other negative things, which is a huge waste and loss.”

Critics of the professor believe that he is releasing his theory to the media about some space explorer from another civilization to increase interest in the subject and increase the sales of his book.

