The second shipment of vaccines against covid-19 – Issues in development arrived in Sofia


“Victory will be ours,” Health Minister Kostadin Angelov said today.

This morning, the second shipment of Pfizer and Biontech vaccines arrived at Sofia airport. They will be distributed among the six regional health inspections of the country, NOVA reported.

Angelov noted that the immunization of teachers, as well as people in nursing homes, will begin in two weeks.

Kostadin Angelov said that when the mass vaccination begins

“Teachers and users of social services in nursing homes will be vaccinated in the second phase,” said the Minister of Health.

“Currently, around 25,000 vaccines are arriving, in 10 days another 25,000 will arrive,” Angelov said. “Mass vaccination will begin when we have a larger number of vaccinations, which means somewhere in February or March. We will vaccinate the elderly first.”

We await the opinion of the European regulator on the Moderna vaccine and the start of its distribution no later than January 6. Everything that is prescribed in the vaccination plan will happen. We are also waiting for a permit for a third vaccine, ”Angelov explained.

“I am very cautious with the forecasts. Then when I say something, so far the coronavirus refutes us. We follow each number with concern. When we have a number, we make one decision or another. Our decisions are based only on scientific evidence,” added the Health Minister.

Angelov explained that the vaccines arrive in the country in boxes of dry ice, maintaining minus 70 degrees Celsius. Then transfer it to ordinary cooler bags, the procedure takes about 5 minutes. From this point on, there is a five-day period in which vaccines must be administered. They cannot be refrozen and stored for longer.

At the Sofia airport information meeting it became clear that since the beginning of the vaccination of medical workers in Bulgaria, 4 cases of adverse reactions to the vaccine have been reported. The complaints concerned local pain, dizziness and short-term fever.

Meanwhile, as of today, face-to-face training for students from first to fourth grade in the country’s schools and kindergartens is resumed. The organization will continue to be applied in schools, limiting the interaction between individual classes and classes. The anti-epidemic activities established for the disinfection of classrooms and school premises will continue to be observed, announced the Ministry of Education and Science.

Teachers will wear personal protective masks or helmets during school hours and students may be required to wear protective masks at the discretion of pedagogical councils or the teacher. Exceptions will be allowed for students who, for health reasons, are advised not to wear personal protective equipment.

Kunchev: another 20,000 vaccines will arrive in Bulgaria on January 4

The Ministry of Education and Science has created an organization through the regional departments of education to accept applications from parents or families who want their children to study at a distance. As of December 30, 2020, 704 requests have been received for distance learning in an electronic environment for students in grades one through four.
