Mass vaccination is expected to start in May, for teachers, within a week, Bulgaria


Kostadin Angelov

© Tsvetelina Belutova, Capital

Kostadin Angelov

Probably in late May, and perhaps earlier, mass vaccination against the coronavirus will begin. This is what Health Minister Kostadin Angelov predicted in front of Nova TV.

“By the end of January, I hope to have a specific plan for when immunization begins and when the key phases with people on the front line will end. Mass vaccination will begin with the elderly,” he said. He added that this will happen when there are enough vaccines to guarantee the safety of their distribution.

Teachers, along with nursing homes, are in the second phase of immunization, which will begin in a week, as soon as the immunization of front-line doctors is finished, Angelov said in response to a question. We are already preparing lists of teachers and elders who want to be immunized, we will organize by region, he explained.

There is no difference in morbidity in families with a child up to 11 years old and without a child, assured the minister on the occasion of the resumption of classes for students up to and including 4th grade.

According to him, restrictive measures give people time to get vaccinated healthy.

The minister pointed out that the number of people who want to be vaccinated increases with each passing day. “We will make sure that all the information on vaccines around the world, in Europe, we will request it from the companies so that we can deliver it to the Bulgarian citizens,” he stressed. In addition, GPs and citizens, through a special online application, will be able to use it without delay “on the ground” in Bulgarian. The idea is not that doctors are “publicity agents” for manufacturers, but that they advise patients in an informed way what is best for them.

The minister promised that data on the sick, cured, examined and immunized would be provided in more detail.
