Dr. Trifon Valchev: Pfizer Vaccine Technology Has Been Known Since 2008 – Medicines


Another 20,000 Pfizer and Biontech vaccines will arrive in Bulgaria on January 4. The vaccination of 15,000 people in nursing homes and about 11,000 employees is being prepared. In the next few months we will receive 150 to 200 thousand of the same vaccine per month. Authorization for use in Europe of the preparation of “Modern” is also awaited.

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Dr. Trifon Valkov, from the Sofia Infectious Diseases Hospital, has not yet been vaccinated because the vaccines have not reached his medical facilities, but he insists that he will do so when it is his turn.

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“Most of the colleagues are in favor of the vaccine and they are in favor of vaccination,” Dr. Valkov said in “This Sunday” on BTV.

“There are rumors in the media that this vaccine was made too fast and not tested enough, to a certain extent it is, but these people need to know that this technology is not from yesterday, it has been known since 2008, right now it is possible to create a vaccine exactly in this model. From a purely biological point of view, depending on the structure of the vaccine, this is one of the purest vaccines that medicine has ”, said the doctor.

“Of course, there are side effects that are caused by one of the stabilizers in this vaccine. It is polyethylene glycol, it is a stabilizer that surrounds this notorious messenger RNA. I must say that this stabilizer is also used in many cosmetics, this is not something new and this is the reason why such allergic reactions sometimes develop when using different cosmetics, ”said Dr. Valkov.

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Side effects include redness at the injection site and fever within a day or two. “These effects are typical of each vaccine, so we do not consider anything different as side effects,” Valkov said.

According to Pfizer and Biontech, people who have had COVID-19 may not get vaccinated for the next 6 months, not because of the side effects, but because the vaccine can be given to someone else who has not had the infection. After the sixth month, they can also get vaccinated, the doctor said.

Dr. Valchev believes that various coronavirus vaccines will be available in Bulgaria in the first half of the year. In addition to Pfizer and Biontech, Moderna and AstraZeneca are also expected. The advantage of the Moderna vaccine is that it is easier to transport and store. This, he said, makes it slightly better for immunization.

There is no evidence that the new coronavirus strain causes more serious manifestations of the disease, but so far it is believed that vaccines remain and will act on it, Valchev said.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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