IN A HOMELESS: A family with two children lives on BGN 380 per month


A family with two children from Plovdiv lives on BGN 380 per month and is listed in “Paragraph 22” regarding the benefits they can receive. One of the parents is on unpaid leave due to a site closing during partial closure. However, you cannot take advantage of any of the opportunities to support the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The only income for Violeta, her two children and her husband is maternity, which she receives in the amount of 380 BGN per month. His father is on leave without pay. He works as a security guard at a casino that is closed due to the pandemic, but is hired by a security company. They turned to social services for help.

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“Once they told me that my father had the right to use the help, another employee told me that he had no rights,” says Violeta. The mother is not entitled to maintenance because she is receiving maternity leave. Documents presented by the father.

“The father works for a security company. They are not entitled to 24 BGN per day for employees who take leave without pay, although we all know that the biggest job of security guards is in restaurants, casinos. Everyone they closed, ”said the mother.

The children’s father tried to receive a one-time allocation of BGN 610 because one of his sons was studying remotely, but was also denied.

“In this case, the mother uses paid parental leave according to the Social Security Code, and the father is an employee of a security company that serves a casino. The activity of his employer is not prohibited in the activity of the Minister of Health “, Emilia Ivanova, director of” Social Assistance “- Plovdiv, is categorical.

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The family was recommended to apply for a one-time BGN 375 grant for extraordinary needs, but this grant was also rejected because they have a child under the age of 2. “A lot of money is given, it is given to children, to mothers, but we do not receive any help,” says Violeta.

“We consider each case individually and look for ample opportunities to support the families of the existing legislation,” said the “Social Assistance” – Plovdiv.

Reporter: Ilian Velkov

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