The President: Bulgaria and the world are facing a difficult and crucial year


Dear compatriots, the minutes separate us from January 1, the new beginning, which this year more than ever we expected! Bulgaria and the world are facing a difficult and crucial year. We are living a pandemic in which we lose loved ones. We go through a painful adaptation to a new way of life: work, study and communication.

My first thought today is for the Bulgarians, who celebrate the holiday alone and in poverty, sad and disappointed. To the thousands of doctors, nurses and paramedics who bore the brunt of our disaster, to the duty officers of all services on New Year’s Eve. In days of crisis and trial, each of us can feel the joy of good done to others. Those periods happen to each of us and it is important that the strong support the victims with understanding and care, with attention and gesture, with material and human empathy. In 2020, life reminded us all how much freedom, solidarity, and humanity cost.

Bulgaria and the world are painfully reconsidering the illusions of the age of selfishness. But 2020 was also the year of Bulgaria’s awakening. Thousands of people have declared their will to end lies, anarchy and corruption. In the squares, the Brotherhood of Honorable Persons was born. He who thinks he is gone is confused. The heroes of civic courage are the uncompromising people who have not stopped defending freedom and the laws in the squares for months. The brave Bulgarians, who in the small towns were not afraid to go out against the local derby. The students who said that Bulgaria should be a European democracy. Those worthy Bulgarians in the institutions, in the court and in the media, who despite the pressure remained faithful to the principles and the truth.

The anti-mafia consensus unites millions of honest Bulgarians at home and abroad. And addressing the pandemic, the devastation of small businesses, poverty, and widespread lawlessness have only confirmed the urgent need for radical change. In 2021 we will go to the polls twice. Your organization must guarantee the health and the right to vote for all Bulgarians. Any excuse to postpone the machine and remote voting is inadmissible. Our society is already organizing against vote manipulation.

We need leadership! A leadership that will not only lead the country out of the deep health, economic and social crisis and the pandemic of fear, but will also begin to dismantle the vicious model of governance. Strengthen statehood and the rule of law, stop theft, raise education, health, science and culture to a real priority and man to a basic value. Boldly assume tomorrow, our European future, modernization and accelerated growth of the economy and income, restore the authority of the state, protect our beautiful nature, establish integrity, knowledge and competence in the government of Bulgaria. In courage, will and joint efforts is the key to success. Our people have survived many trials. Our country has “risen” more than once for a new life. We have made a brilliant mark on culture, science and sport. More than once we have amazed the world with our gifts. I believe we are about to unleash the creative energy that our talented people carry in their genes and character.

A healthy and blessed year for each of you, dear compatriots. I wish you a year in which we have the boldness, inspiration and determination to make the change that the hearts of millions of Bulgarians yearn for. Now is the time! Happy New Year 2021!

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