Dr. Svetla Baltova with a terrible forecast for 2021, the next few months will be terrible


In 2021, powerful planetary energies will cause turbulence and changes in the world, political and economic instability. This was said in an interview by astrologer Dr. Svetla Baltova, who is also a specialist in internal medicine, cardiology and rheumatology, writes Flagman bg.

According to her, the storms that will shake the world will bring renewal and the evolution of humanity cannot be stopped.
The world will not come back to life before the Kovid crisis, but it is possible to build it better, with more truth, he says.

There is an analogy between 2021 and the events of 1996-1997, when it comes to bankruptcies, hyperinflation and the resignation of the government of Jean Videnov. They are the “protagonists” of the celestial drama Uranus and Jupiter, and have been active since January 14.

In the coming months, there will be social tensions caused by the restrictive and coercive actions of governments and resistance to them, warned Dr. Baltova.

Love and the wisdom of the heart can heal our sick society, he added.

-You have defined 2021 in one of your conferences as a year of change, in which Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter will be the main actors. What will change in the lives of Bulgarians in the next 12 months?

-Powerful planetary energies will pour out on Earth in 2020 and 2021. Saturn brought restrictions and limits. Pluto expressed itself in enormous manipulations. Jupiter, on the other hand, strives to expand, awaken consciousness, and transcend limitations.

Uranus brings sudden changes, governs natural electricity and telecommunications. These energies have been in conflict since mid-January 2021 and will cause turmoil and changes in the world, political and economic instability. Bulgarians are the people of Saturn, that is, resilient, firm, distrustful and generally pessimistic.

These traits can also help because they provide good resistance. As a people living at a crossroads, we are used to adversity, deprivation, and storms. Resilience is deeply ingrained in our genetic memory. The cataclysms that will take place around the world will affect Bulgaria less.

At the same time, we must welcome changes. Numerologically, the year is five, the number of changes, so fear not! On the contrary, act boldly to change what you want in your life! God helps the brave.

The storms that will shake the world will bring renewal. According to popular wisdom: “All bad, for good.” That the world does not come back to life before the Kovid crisis is an opportunity to build it better, more truly.

Think about how we walk: every step a person takes takes them out of relative balance and stability. We will enter 2021 with faith in the good, because it always wins in the end and with the awareness that the evolution of humanity cannot be stopped.

– You were a district doctor, workshop doctor and specialist in internal medicine, cardiology and rheumatology in Plovdiv, and now you are known as an astrologer and you practice holistic medicine. What would Dr. Svetla Baltova say to stressed people incarcerated in her panel prisons, awaiting salvation from the curse of the free man called “COVID-19”?

-Get out and breathe freely! Enjoy the free gifts of nature: air, light, clean water and clean food. Most importantly, don’t let fear overwhelm you! Think with your own mind, don’t hire a mind! The information offered to us is largely manipulated, it is nocebo, something that is harmful to health.

When it comes to treatment, trust the millenary experience of traditional Bulgarian medicine. We have tried powerful immunostimulants and the Internet is already full of recipes for them. They are so accessible and close to us: onions, garlic, bee products, elderberries, horseradish, mustard … And more, you have to take care of your health before you get sick.

-2021 may be the year of miracles. One of the signs of this is the new Star of Bethlehem, at the dawn of which on December 21 the opening of a new door for all humanity is seen. 2021 years ago, three astrologers and sages walked the path to the newborn son of God. Perhaps the role of one of these magicians is not difficult for you, but what do people expect who carry Jesus in their hearts? Who would modern magicians worship?

-Yes, the year is one of miracles! Jesus says: “That is why I was born, and for this I came to this world, to bear witness to the truth.” The truth is hidden deep in every soul. The laws of God are written in the human heart. The sages bowed before the miracle: the Divine, embodied in a human child.

This is the miracle that is expected of us: the birth of a new humanity. And it is born in the torments and sufferings described in the Apocalypse of Saint John in the chapter, which speaks of the woman giving birth and the dragon that lies in wait for her to destroy the newborn. The newborn, this is the idea of ​​a new humanity, sung in Lennon’s song “Imagine”. Before this new humanity, both the magicians and the beings of the highest hierarchies of the universe would bow.

-The authorities affirm that they took measures both to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and not to bankrupt the economy. Is it possible to reach a new banking crisis, like the one of 1996-1997, when there were bankruptcies of financial institutions and the lev depreciated at a record not by days, but by hours?

-There is an analogy. The years in question are remarkable from an astrological point of view, with Uranus entering its own sign Aquarius on January 10, 1996 and Jupiter entering the same sign on January 22, 1997.

The two powerful energies in the air sign of Aquarius cannot help but shake up society. In Russia, which is under the sign of Aquarius, Yeltsin surprisingly won the elections against the communist Zyuganov, and in the United States, the Republican candidate Doyle lost to Clinton. Political scientists can say more about the consequences. In Bulgaria: inflation, revolt, the Videnov government falls.

The energy of Aquarius acted on the barricades of the streets: “End of restrictions. It can’t be like this anymore.” The scenario is likely to repeat itself, the same “players” in the celestial drama Uranus and Jupiter will be activated from January 14, and Jupiter will be back in Aquarius.

In the coming months there will be social tensions caused by restrictive, coercive actions and resistance to governments. By the way, I found a photo from a newspaper with an article from September 1996, titled “Wuhan virus treads on us.” An interesting analogy …

Is the date of March 28, 2021 suitable for the elections? Can the vote be distorted and the country fall into a new political crisis?

-Before the elections there will be a stormy February, in which there will be many changes.

Critically, and not only politically, it will be its beginning, with a maximum between February 10 and 13, when seven planets (including the Sun and the Moon) will be in the sign of Aquarius, and will be in conflict with three planetary energies ” acute “: Uranus, Mars and Lilith. On the one hand, people’s dissatisfaction will explode, on the other hand, there will be an attempt to block it with the help of fear and coercion.

-The authors of the books “Astrology and astropsychology for all” and “The planets and the rhythm of human life”. What is the most important rule that a person must follow in order to be in harmony with the world around us and the planets to help them as their consciousness evolves?

-Be thankful. To love. To enjoy life. This is very difficult in difficult times. We can do it with Faith. Believe in a higher providence, that through pain and fear takes you to the shore of hope. Faith is a strong support by which one can remain in the stormy sea of ​​events.

Planetary energies do not act in our lives as “good” and “bad”. These are our human concepts. Some are challenging, but are like lush water that can be harnessed for work, others suggest rest and harmony. Both are useful. Difficulties are a touchstone for human character. The belief that “evil is not eternal, but good is infinite” will be our magic wand.

In your lectures you speak of the struggle between the forces of progress that want humanity to continue its development and those that want to leave it in the network of delusions. Could it be World War III or cataclysms like those that led to the extinction of the highly developed civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria?

– We are currently at war. But it is invisible. This is a war for the human mind, for the human brain. Now the human heart must come to the aid of the mind. In holistic medicine, there is a saying that the mind diagnoses but the heart heals.

Love and the wisdom of the heart can heal our sick society. As for the planet, what happened to Atlantis, Lemuria and other civilizations will not be allowed to happen.

The spiritual master Peter Deunov says that since 1975 all the great initiates – adepts, saints, began to incarnate on Earth to help humanity in the decisive step for its evolution. Now we have the privilege of being part of it. As a friend says: “Congratulations on being on Earth right now.”

-For the first time, people will celebrate the New Year without loud celebrations. The streets are expected to be deserted. The concerts will even be virtual. What would you advise people? What can you do to make it work for you in 2021?

-Enjoy what you have, instead of regretting what you don’t have. There is always something to be happy about on New Years Eve. It’s good that we can pay attention to our closest people, appreciate their presence and the absence of those who will not be able to come. We are given the opportunity to dive in and direct our minds to what we want to happen in our personal lives and as humanity.

Let us yearn and pray for it. Prayer is an act of the soul, not with words that may be different. Prayer that comes from the depths of our heart is accepted. Thought is the most powerful weapon. She and prayer have the power to create a desired reality. Then it will be us.
