This is when they will lift the measures against kovid-19 – Bulgaria


That's when they will lift the measures against kovid-19

Source: Georgi Dimitrov, Netinfo

“We want Bulgarian citizens to be healthy so that they can receive the vaccine, achieve herd immunity and fight against this disease,” Health Minister Kostadin Angelov said today at a briefing. He stressed that in the last two weeks there has been a constant trend to decrease the number of new infected with covid-19 and increase the number of cured in Bulgaria.

There may be a change in measurements after the end of a full work week, because during the holidays the data is distorted by less research and by the fact that people go to hospitals only as a last resort, the state health inspector said. Chief Assoc. Angel Kunchev. The goal is to permanently reduce the number of new COVID-19 cases to less than 200 per 100,000 people. Currently in Bulgaria there is no district with a morbidity rate higher than 600 per 100,000 inhabitants.

The number of people infected with covid-19 in Bulgaria is decreasing, many have died

Kunchev reported that Bulgaria ranks 24th in the EU in the number of newly infected with covid-19 in the last two weeks.

In terms of mortality from coronavirus infection, our country ranks third in Europe and first in the Balkans.

Information meeting of the National Operational Headquarters for kovid-19

The districts of Varna and Sliven have the highest incidence of covid-19 in the last two weeks.

Kunchev: another 20,000 vaccines will arrive in Bulgaria on January 4

The director of the Military Medical Academy, Professor Ventsislav Mutafchiiski, pointed out that despite the distortion of data during the holidays, there is an indisputable decrease in the number of new infected with the coronavirus infection and the pressure on the hospitals of Sofia It has decreased. In recent days, 40-50% fewer patients with respiratory failure due to covid-19 are admitted.

The Minister of Education and Science, Krassimir Valchev, defended the opening of nurseries, kindergartens and schools for students up to 4th grade on January 4. At the same time, he stressed that the situation will be constantly monitored. The current measures will continue to operate until January 31 and will be flexible to the current situation in Bulgaria.
