Clash in Switzerland! Death after immunization with the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine – вини World news】 • current information, topics and news


The death of a patient in a nursing home was recorded in the Swiss canton of Lucerne after immunization with the vaccine from the US company “Pfizer” and the German “Biontech”, reported the Swiss Telegraph Agency, cited by BTA.

According to local authorities, there is currently no evidence that “death is directly related to vaccination.” The canton’s health department informed the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products “Swissmedic” about the fatal outcome. Earlier this month, the agency approved the use in the country of the COVID-19 vaccine, produced jointly by Pfizer and Biontech.

According to Swiss media, the vaccine was manufactured on December 24 in Lucerne in an institution for people suffering from dementia. Death occurred after 5 days.

The medical team that performed the immunization had not previously consulted the facility physician. Had there been such contact, the physician would have informed the vaccinated that the patient was reacting negatively to the influenza vaccines and it would be better to skip the procedure.

All the circumstances relating to the fatal accident have not yet been clarified and will be disclosed at a later stage.

