A 6-square-meter company announced that 76 workers will withdraw 20,000 BGN from the National Social Security Institute


Employees of the National Institute of Social Security will now be able to suspend the payment of a pension for 6 months, if when verifying the documents they find data for a crime. PHOTO: “24 HOURS”

They try to cheat with fake foreign experience and photocopy of documents.

Next year they tighten the control: they block the pension for up to 6 months in case of fraud data

A Pazardzhik company, which is registered in an office with an area of ​​6 square meters, but has 76 employees, is trying to get 20,000 BGN out of insurance. The fraud was detected by experts from the National Institute of Social Security in Pazardzhik.

The National Social Security Institute suspected two companies of related parties, who submitted notifications of suspiciously short employment contracts signed with a total of 76 people. Thus, they declare income and social security contributions, which are accrued but not paid to the budget of the insurance company. However, people can receive unemployment or sickness benefits.

All 76 workers were registered as business consultants and workers in general, but the indicated location for the workplace turned out to have an area of ​​only 6 square meters. That is, for every square meter of work area there must be 13 workers, calculated by experts from NSSI – Pazardzhik.

The company explained during the inspection that some of the people are engaged in commerce, but they did not present either the goods sold or the documents for sale.

During conversations with experts from the National Social Security Institute, some of the workers claimed that they work in a guest house. However, it turned out to be a building that was built with a rough construction, but could not actually be used. Others claimed they supported the coffee machines, but there was not a single one at the directions indicated.

The damages inflicted on NSSI in this way amounted to BGN 19,973.61 and the case was turned over to the prosecution.


popular scheme

to drain

the funds are

t. Sun.

English exchange

In it, people who have never left the country apply for unemployment benefits, indicating a previous job in the UK. Just before losing their jobs, they worked for a short time with high income in Bulgaria. Their hope is that the National Institute of Social Security will grant them compensation on this salary, because according to European regulation, when the time of service in another EU member state is added, the compensation is granted on the last income, they explain The experts. The scheme is known to employees of the National Institute of Social Security throughout the country and it is extremely difficult for such a fictitious appointment to be approved, experts explain.

13 “British workers” still tried the scheme in Pazardzhik, and some of them received unemployment benefits. However, the subsequent check established that not only did they not work for the last Bulgarian insurer, but also that some of them had never gone abroad in their life. The “English workers” have to return BGN 36,224.11 and they have also been handed over to the prosecution.

The usual counterfeits of the pensionable service have also been seized in Pazardzhik. One candidate from the district has declared an internship since 1989, but with a 2000 form. Another has submitted an internship from a Pazardzhik cooperative with BULSTAT to a company in Varna.

A young man from a small village in Pazardzhik district forged a document stating that he was a student and requested a survivor’s pension.

The document is

it was scanned

color copy

and it didn’t contain enough information.

One pensioner tried to cheat the system by requiring that his pension be recalculated with additional service time, acquired not after, but before his retirement. In the course of the pension proceedings, it was established that the UP-3 form submitted by the person for the period from 20.09.1973 to 27.10.1975, issued by a large insurer in the Pazardzhik territory, is a photocopy of a document already completed. Corrections were made to the copy of the document and the old copied signatures and seal were clearly visible. And the man was not present on the payroll and there was no evidence that he worked there.

From the beginning of the year until November 30, 716 sick leave were canceled in Pazardzhik district for 15,323 days. This is almost three times more than the same period last year, when 265 sick leave were canceled in 5,954 days. During the first 11 months of the year, 89,315 sick leave payment documents were submitted and nearly BGN 31 million paid. The National Institute of Social Security also paid unemployment benefits in the district for around BGN 26 million.

Next year

NSSI will stop for

6 months

The payment of


if evidence of a crime is established. It will be restored once the criminal process is over. Now the order is reversed: the pension can be suspended only after a final court decision. A 6-month inspection period is also introduced for sickness, maternity and unemployment benefits. Unlike pensions, these benefits could still be suspended for your inspection.

The Penal Code is also being amended and anyone who has handed over a false pension document will face a prison sentence of 2-8 years for fraud on a particularly large scale. A fine of 1,000 to 5,000 BGN is foreseen.

Until now, this only applied to fraud with the state budget, but now it will be valid for money received from the National Institute of Social Security or the National Health Insurance Fund.
