10 years later! Sober people returned to Russia by law – 【World News】 • current information, topics and news


The new year 2021 will bring the Russians a special treat, which, however, will not delight fans of the cup.

The State Duma, that is, the Russian parliament, finally passed a law on the return of the sober. It goes into effect on January 1 and anyone who drinks too much on New Years Eve is a potential customer of the new / old service.

It certainly will not be charitable: the sober will have the right to present to those delivered there a receipt for costs that may be incurred. Rates are likely to be different because they will be set by local authorities, as well as sober owners, because there will be private. The jokers on the Internet have already made their first jokes that the establishments in question will have to have stars like hotels. As well as hotels, which due to the pandemic have a very small clientele, to be converted into sober rooms.

This year marks exactly 10 years since the definitive closure of this emblematic Russian institution. It was done by decree in 2010 by then-President Dmitry Medvedev. However, under different names, sobriety situations continued to exist in different regions of the Russian Federation.

In fact, the first establishments of this type were opened before the establishment of the USSR, in the period 1902-1904 in Saratov, Kiev, Yaroslavl and Tula. In particular, Tula’s “Drunken Shelter” is supported by the municipal budget and its main objective is to save drunken workers sleeping on the streets in local gun factories from frost from death. The announced purpose is “to provide free facilities, care and medical assistance to those people who will be picked up by police officers or otherwise from the streets of the city of Tula in serious or insensitive condition due to drunkenness and will need medical assistance.”

The institution had two rooms: an outpatient clinic for alcoholics and a shelter for children of drunk parents. There was a paramedic and a coachman on the shelter staff, who went through town and carried the alcoholics.

The shelter patients were fed free of charge and received medical assistance: they were given to drink brine and smell ammonia alcohol and, in case of heart problems, camphor alcohol. They spent several days in the restaurant and “gramophone music” was allowed as entertainment. Poor and poorly dressed patients were provided with clothing and shoes upon discharge.

Thanks to the measures in just one year in Tula, the death rate from drunkenness was reduced 1.7 times. In 1909, 3,029 people were treated at the shelter and 87 at the outpatient clinic, and the success rate was 87.

Several years after the creation of the first “drunken shelters” in almost all the provincial centers of the Russian Empire such were created. But in 1917 they were all closed.

The first Soviet sobriety station opened on November 14, 1931 in Moscow at 79 Marat Street. It is under the jurisdiction of the People’s Health Commissariat. By order of the People’s Commissar for the Interior Lavrentiy Beria of March 4, 1940, the people who recovered were transferred to the NKVD, later to the Ministry of the Interior.

After the closure of the establishments in 2010, the algorithm of the law enforcement agencies to detect a dead drunk in the street is approximately the following: the police / police patrol detects a drunk and must take him to the nearest medical establishment or deliver him to the person that arrived on time. ambulance car.

But amid the coronavirus pandemic, hospitals and ambulances have enough to do without drunks. However, even alcoholics cannot stay without medical care. And the authors of the bill cite dire figures: more than 50,000 people die from excessive alcohol use in Russia each year. 10,000 of them – by freezing after falling asleep on the street drunk.

Due to sobriety and izobscho ruskoto piyanstvo vkarvat in local culture The segment is individual. For example, a song in Visocki, in Koyato to pee: “It’s nice that we are respected here. Look, give it a push, look, plant, Wake up in the morning it’s not a rooster, sing, the Sergeant will get up like a man ”.

Or as in a joke: Phone call at the sobriety station: – Is Vasya Pupkin with you? “It’s not on the list.” “Don’t expect it.” We’ll drink at home today …

And finally: Stirlitz wakes up. Look around you: cell, bars. Think: “If an SS man comes in, I’ll call Heil Hitler.” If someone from the NKVD comes in, “For the Fatherland, for Stalin.” At that moment the door opened and a Soviet policeman shook his head reproachfully and said: “You got drunk like a pig again, Comrade Tikhonov!”

In one of the quality Soviet films “Autumn Marathon” there is also an episode in which the protagonist has to get his western friend out of the sober room. The first attempt in the USSR to close the establishments in question was a little later, in the 1980s, when Mikhail Gorbachev came to power. Alcoholic beverage stores began to close, and then the drunken stores themselves. It was made for the first time in Ulyanovsk, Lenin’s hometown, which until 1924 was called Simbirsk, and was broadcast live on Soviet television. Well, after a few years, they had to reopen it.

The sober ones are like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s terminator with his famous phrase: I’ll be back. Shortly after President Medvedev’s decree, sobering agents returned to different regions in one form or another, such as specialized medical centers in the health system. Then during the 2018 FIFA World Cup, sobriety stations were opened in the Moscow region. And when they appear in more than twenty subjects of the Russian Federation, their regulation at the federal level is necessary.

The hope of the Russian deputies is to reduce the number of crimes committed while intoxicated; after the close of the recoveries, their number has increased by a third. Furthermore, drunkards are often victims of crimes committed by thugs and thieves themselves.

