Angelov: At the beginning of January we expect a new supply of vaccines


We did not expect vaccines, but we prepared for them for a long time. The most important news is that the vaccines are in Bulgaria and we have fulfilled what we promised: they have reached all the districts of Bulgaria. This was stated in “The day begins” at BNT by the Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. Kostadin Angelov.

1,719 people have been vaccinated; these are the latest figures for this morning. Everyone will be vaccinated, we start with doctors in medical institutions, Minister Angelov is categorical.
The manufacturer had to deliver the vaccines to the 28 points of the country. At one point, however, we realized that this delivery would be rather symbolic, to show Europe’s strength at the same time, one day to show that it is facing COVID-19, the minister explained.

The great development of the vaccination process, both in terms of information and campaign, will not begin before mid-January, said the Minister of Health. New deliveries are expected in early January, we are ready to fulfill them. Every day more people want to get vaccinated, added Professor Kostadinov.

What is the vaccination procedure against COVID-19?

He explained that the doctor would advise the patient which is the best vaccine for him. Don’t expect the ministry or I to be distributors of a particular vaccine, Prof. Angelov said.

After becoming the first Bulgarian to be vaccinated on December 27, he explained that he was feeling very well and had no complaints other than discomfort at the injection site.

How was the first day of vaccination against COVID-19?

We will certainly do an information campaign, today I am initiating calls to all the media throughout the country. The idea is to hold a videoconference meeting before the New Year to learn from their experience how to reach more Bulgarian citizens. My goal is for the Bulgarian citizen to be the most informed European citizen, the Minister of Health is categorical.

He added that a new application is currently being developed, in which the idea is that the information reaches doctors first and then that they can answer all the patients’ questions.

Hope is in vaccines, hope is not in plasma, the minister is categorical.

Most importantly about vaccines: the answers to your questions

The measures: Your role is to protect as many Bulgarian citizens as possible from being met with COVID-19. That is why I will not stop repeating that I do not want the Bulgarian citizens to be cured, but to be healthy. This is the idea of ​​the measures and they have an effect: you see that they reduce the number of patients, the pressure on the health system is much less than before, Professor Angelov is categorical.

The control has not stopped, the measures are clear. Our institutions – RHI, together with the police, firefighters and BFSA, in mobile teams, will carry out the control everywhere. Give signals, we are ready to carry out inspections 24 hours a day, called the Minister of Health.

We are very indebted to Bulgarian children, we are also indebted to parents, admitted Professor Angelov. The closure of schools, experts say, required a timely decision and we made it, he added.

We will analyze the numbers and then decide how to deal with the older students. There is an idea for them to take turns, but it is still to be discussed, the minister is categorical.

I will remember 2020 with everything the hospitals tried and showed us the power of the Hippocratic Oath. Certainly both doctors and nurses are tired, but no one gave up, Minister Angelov is categorical.

During these months, I gained more experience and more faith in the doctors, nurses and loved ones, admitted the Minister of Health.
