The biggest news is that …


The biggest news is that the vaccines are in Bulgaria and we have delivered on what we promised. They reached all areas. This was said by BNT by the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov.

“Anyone who wants to be vaccinated. We start with the doctors,” added the minister.

“At the beginning, when we signed the contracts with the manufacturer, they had to deliver the vaccines in all 28 points of the country. At one point we realized that the delivery would be more symbolic to show the strength of Europe. The vaccines arrived only in Sofia and we had to make a very quick decision so that they would arrive as promised, “he said.

“The Bulgarian Orthodox Church in the person of Bishop Tikhon Tiveriopolski is being vaccinated together with me. In this way we show that the Church and faith are on the side of science. Only this unity can help us overcome this pandemic,” added the minister. .

“I feel perfect after the vaccination. Yesterday I just felt bad because of the pressure at the injection site,” said Professor Angelov.

Asked if there are more people who want to be vaccinated, he replied: “More and more people want to be vaccinated. This is normal, because the brief description of the product has already been published and this information is available to everyone.”

“Doctors will advise patients which is the best vaccine for them. Do not expect me or the ministry to be vaccine distributors or talk about specific vaccines. On the contrary, we will talk about vaccination as a process and its benefits, because vaccines have saved humanity, “said the minister.

“There are still many unknowns about the virus. More importantly, the vaccine that they gave us builds immunity and this has been tested. It reaches a value that protects against the virus around day 20 after the second application,” he added. he.
