Luxury car thefts on the rise


Sofia police reported an increase in luxury car thefts over the past year. The most vulnerable are cars with contactless ignition, bTV reported. Due to the pandemic and the arrest of one of the main car gangs in our country, SDVR reports fewer car thefts this year. According to the data, an average of two people in Bulgaria are left without a car every day in the capital.

However, there is an increase in new car theft, by about 15 percent. Its defenses are easy to overcome by bandits. “Due to the technology currently used by car thieves, it is modern and cars are stolen very quickly,” explained Hristo Trendafilov, head of the Department of Automobile Theft at the Interior Ministry.

Car thieves see expensive vehicles parked in front of stores, pharmacies, outlets, and sometimes in motion, investigators say. The police advise expensive car owners to put the key in a special case to prevent the signal from being intercepted.

Investigators believe that three gangs of car thieves are operating in the capital. The pandemic is covering them up even more. They wear masks and gloves for a convenient purpose. However, some of them are also afraid of COVID-19. Cameras caught them stealing cars, even wearing helmets.

Some of the stolen new cars are used for auto parts, others are exported abroad, where they are sold.

Police warn that the next three months are the season for so-called turnkey auto theft. These are cars with the engine running, abandoned by their owners for a time in front of a store or office, for example.
