There was no problem for a sausage bus to carry vaccines, but the rest of the shipments will be transported by the manufacturer.


There was no problem for a sausage bus to carry vaccines, but the rest of the shipments will be transported by the manufacturer.

No problem with food trucks that carry the first batch of vaccines against COVID-19 in our country, but the next deliveries will be made with refrigerated trucks from the manufacturer of the preparation Pfizer BioNTech and the quantities will go directly to the special freezers of the responsible sanitary inspections of the country. This was explained by the Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. Kostadin Angelov Sunday afternoon in front of bTV. Hours earlier, he was the first vaccinated Bulgarian in the country to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

This is how vaccination began in Bulgaria, one day after the first batch of the Pfizer preparation arrived in Sofia. BioNTech, delivered simultaneously in equal quantities in each of the 27 EU member states. However, the long-awaited start of the campaign in Bulgaria started with a small mistake, as the vaccines planned for Plovdiv arrived there from Sofia on a sausage bus and were later stored in a ZIL refrigerator. According to RHI-Plovdiv, this does not violate the storage requirements, as the doses will be injected within the next two to three days.

Sausages with sausages make citizens hesitate

The Minister of Health He again attacked the authors of ironic comments about the sausages, which yesterday were marked with compromised trucks, highlighting that the jokes “Shake and touch the fears of the Bulgarian citizens”.

“In this life what we have done remains, there are no comments on what we have done. We have tried to guarantee the delivery temperature regime. The truck with which the vaccines were delivered maintains the same mode as the truck with which they were delivered by The truck had to maintain a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees, and the thermographer shows it. But anyway we carried the vaccines in boxes on dry ice, and that was doubly guaranteed. ” Angelov commented.

“The next quantities will be trucked to manufacturers and placed directly into each RHI’s freezers. We have been preparing for this logistics for a long time and the jokes are inappropriate.”, he insisted.

By his words the delivery of the first shipment only to Sofia was an exception, because the amount is symbolic.

He did not fail to point out that private companies are helping other governments, but a significantly larger supply early next year will be taken over by refrigerated trucks from the vaccine maker. At the moment it’s just Pfizer BioNTech, but is expected to join early next year the vaccine of Modern.

70% of Bulgarians are expected to be vaccinated by the end of 2021.

“I hope by the end of the year to complete the vaccination campaign and cover 70% of Bulgarian society.”Angelov announced.

This is an optimistic forecast, given that at least half of society is currently negative about vaccines. Even the percentage of doctors who want to be vaccinated as the first risk group was initially 11 percent or 33,000, but according to the latest data, their number has risen to 45,000 and continues to increase.

The need for mass vaccination and coverage of at least 70% of the population guarantees herd immunity and containment of infection, but the problem is that so far many people do not trust rapidly developed vaccines, while others remain theoretical of the conspiracy.

“From what I see, I am hopeful, every day those who want to be vaccinated increase, fear gives way to hope, reason prevails over emotion.”said the minister.

Minister Angelov joined bTV seven hours after his vaccination and said he was feeling fine.

“I did not meet any of the expected reactions, I feel very good”said added, hIt is monitored and its last temperature was 36.7 degrees.

The Minister of Health explained that he was instructed to monitor any change in his condition and report in a timely manner to the contact telephone number.

The support of the BOC is the most important news

According to Kostadin Angelov, the most important news of the day is the support of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church (BOC).

“The most important news today is the support of the BOC in the person of the Vicar of the Patriarch Neophyte. My thanks, we will never forget the extended hand. What the BOC did means a lot to us.” added.

On Sunday, in addition to the doctors, the senior clergy were voluntarily vaccinated.

A large-scale campaign will be carried out soon

The remaining quantities are expected to arrive in Bulgaria in January, reaching 62,500 doses from the first shipment of Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines. “With them we will launch a large-scale campaign, for which we have been preparing for a long time. At the end of January we will carry out campaigns throughout the country. Let everyone learn about the benefits of vaccination. I will urge each manufacturer to provide answers. on the issues of Bulgarian citizens “, Kostadin Angelov added.

His immunization took place in a room full of journalists at the St. Anna Hospital in the capital. How safe is this in a pandemic? The minister admitted that, although they used as much space as possible, they did not expect such media interest.

“I do not want to be liked or approved, I want to be useful. And I will give to all possible Bulgarian citizens to understand this in 2021.”Angelov also commented.

Bulgaria was one of 18 countries where on December 27 launches vaccination against Covid-19 in the European Union .
