Minister Angelov after vaccination: I can’t wait to see my father and know that I will not infect him (Video)


The immunization campaign against COVID-19 in Bulgaria has started. The first cities where this happened were Sofia, Plovdiv and Burgas. The first Bulgarian to be vaccinated was the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov. This happened at St. Anna University Hospital.

After him, the director of the Military Medical Academy, Major General Prof. Dr. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski, was vaccinated.

Minister Kostadin Angelov receives the first vaccine against COVID-19 PHOTO: Nikolay Litov

Minister Kostadin Angelov receives the first vaccine against COVID-19 PHOTO: Nikolay Litov

“The salvation we hoped for is here. I believe that soon we will begin to prevail over COVID-19. I cannot wait to see my 70-year-old father and know that there is no danger of infecting him,” Minister Angelov said minutes. after being vaccinated.

Bishop Tikhon was vaccinated against COVID-19 in

Bishop Tikhon is vaccinated against COVID-19 in “St. Anna” PHOTO: Nikolay Litov

Today, Bulgaria, along with almost all European countries, is facing simultaneous efforts to carry out a victorious battle against COVID-19. We believe that with the start of vaccination, we will defeat this global pandemic and return to a normal lifestyle. All the efforts of all scientists in the world came together so that what we started today gives its result ”, shared Prof. Angelov, after the necessary 15 minutes after the expiration of the vaccine, in which the immunized person is monitored by the impact. his.

He also shared that he was feeling fine and showed the card he received after the vaccination. It contains information on the date the vaccine was administered and the date the re-immunization should be administered.

Minister Angelov after vaccination: I can't wait to see my father and know that I will not infect him (Video)

Not only in Bulgaria, but also in countries such as the USA and Canada, private company cars were used to transport some of the vaccines, as happened in our country, the minister commented yesterday on the situation, when the vaccines were brought to Plovdiv with a sausage company bus.

Minister Angelov after vaccination: I can't wait to see my father and know that I will not infect him (Video)

“The search for an emphasis in this direction is not acceptable, because Bulgaria is not the only country where transport is carried out with private happened in the United States, where a private company specialized in the transport of food, more specifically tuna, transports and assists the government in the transport of vaccines. The experience is similar in Canada, where a private logistics company with experience in transporting ice cream is involved with vehicles. The experience in Australia is similar. I thank all Bulgarian growers for providing such logistics for this process to take place and I hope that the extended hand of other Bulgarian growers will help implement the logistics as needed in the future, “said the Minister.

He explained that under a contract with Pfizer, the vaccines will be delivered in specialized trucks from the latter to all the RHIs in the country, but due to the symbolic first quantity, which was delivered yesterday, only one truck arrived and unloaded them in Sofia. This required rapid organization of vaccine logistics at locations in Plovdiv, Burgas and Varna. Therefore, it was necessary to find a transport that would ensure a normal temperature regime, but was traceable at all times by thermographer and for testing. The necessary transportation was provided free of charge by the sausage company.

“This mode of transport was not necessary, because the vaccines that we transported from Sofia to Plovdiv and Burgas were in bags with dry ice, which provides the necessary transfer temperature. Also, the vaccines transferred from Sofia to Plovdiv, Burgas and Varna. In refrigerators with a normal temperature of 2 to 8 degrees and do not freeze below 70 degrees. The refrigerators provided in the RHIs will be used for the next deliveries of the vaccine in January, “Angelov added, noting the packaging and the content are important.

It was important to us to provide a vaccine to all RHIs. The search for such a message, I would not say, is an achievement. I find humor inappropriate in this situation, he added.
