Important names in native medicine are vaccinated at the Military Medical Academy


It will start on December 27 at 10.01 vaccination by the personnel of the Military Medical Academy (MMA) against SARS-CoV-2.

The first vaccinated will be a major general in the hospital Prof. Dr. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski, MD, PhD, FACS.

After him, Personal example will give a series of iconic names in native medicine.including Professor Nikola Vladov, Professor Krum Katsarov, Professor Iliya Saltirov, etc.

In the first group, who will be vaccinated – according to the numbers of the Military Medical Academy, they are included doctors, nurses and orderlies, What work on the front line in the fight against infection in the ten COVID clinics.

Will you be vaccinated against COVID-19?

As soon as possible

I am not scared

I’ll wait for time to pass

Only with the Russian vaccine

There is no such virus

December 27th immunization campaign against COVID-19 begins in Bulgaria.

In Sofia – at 10 o’clock the vaccination will take place at the University Hospital “St. AnnaThe first Bulgarian to be vaccinated will be the Minister of Health, Prof. Kostadin Angelov.

Subsequently, Dr. Rada Prokopova, head of the Department of Cardiology of the Internal Medicine Clinic of the medical institution and currently head of the COVID departments of the medical institution, as well as Ani Kirova, KAIL nurse, will be immunized against infection by coronavirus.

In Plovdiv – at 10 o’clock at the University Hospital “St. George“The first vaccines against COVID-19 will be delivered to: Dr. Ivan Madkharov, President of the Bulgarian Medical Union, Raina Todovichina, nurse with 48 years of experience in the surgical unit of the Department of Emergency Medicine of the hospital, as well as Ventsislav Filipov , Head of the Internal Medicine Unit of the same department.

In Burgas – at 10 o’clock in the Medical Center “Saint Nicholas the Wonder Worker“In the building of UMHAT – Burgas, the first immunization against COVID-19 will be given to Zlatina Parusheva, a nurse with 40 years of experience. Parusheva is 59 years old and works in the Emergency Department of the hospital for the last 10 years. Opening of the triage area is scheduled, followed by the vaccination of Dr. Svetlin Haralampiev, 34, who has worked at OAIL for 4 years, specializes in anesthesiology and resuscitation, and has been working with COVID patients since the beginning of the pandemic.

The first 9,750 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have arrived


The first 9,750 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have arrived

Our ambition is to reach 70% of vaccinated Bulgarians, said Kostadin Angelov
